The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn Chapter 80

Book 2 Chapter 3

My secret?

There was only one secret that I had, and that was my feelings for Damon. I never told anyone before. If anyone knew, it would only be because of how I acted around him. But still, no one would be able to know for sure.

She smiles at me, and I try to hide the worried expression on my face. I can’t let her know that she was right. I can’t tell her that I genuinely did have a big secret. She was probably doing this to mess with me, to get me to confess. That will never happen. This was one secret that would always stay with me. No one else must ever know.

Class finishes quickly after that, and I’m happy to be away from her. I’m happy to be away from all of them.

But I’m looking forward to seeing him more than ever now. I can’t wait to be near him once more. I don’t want to have to spend another minute seeing him with Anya. I saw how miserable she made life for Atticus and Autumn, even when it was clear he had chosen Autumn over her.

only knew how much I loved Damon, she would no doubt try to make my life miserable as well. I was surprised that they still kept her around our family after all she did to separate Atticus and Autumn. She was a very sly girl. How much could they believe it was a just a spell? I didn’t trust her at all. I kept feeling that there was plenty about her that we didn’t know about. And I also felt like it was my duty to find out what she was hiding from the rest of us. She still had to choose between Damon and Dante. While I was in love with Damon and didn’t want him to be with her, I also knew that Dante was too good for someone

out that he didn’t feel anything for her when he lost his memory after the accident. If she was his mate and he didn’t officially reject her, how did he so easily move on from her? How

wasn’t asking

the cafeteria, I spot Damon, and of course, he’s with Anya. Atticus and Autumn, as well as Dante, are also

breath. I knew now that Leslie was keeping an eye on me. I still wasn’t sure if she was referring to my feelings for Damon, but I couldn’t take any chances. Especially not

says as

and take a seat next to Autumn, even though

Damon asks me; I can feel his intense gaze. I know why he’s asking that question. He still wanted to know if anyone was

liked him. I still wasn’t sure if that was what she was referring to, but I wasn’t taking any chances. I didn’t want the Fawns to kick me out

sure?” He asks. I can hear the edge to his voice. He doesn’t believe me. Of course, he would be able to see right through my lie. He

about to give in now and tell him the truth. I hate lying to him, but this was for his good as well as mine. There are things that he must never

something else? If she says she had a good time, she did. Let’s talk about something else. Let Clarissa live her life; I’m sure she feels stifled

she say that? I loved his

same way that she did. We both didn’t like Anya at all. Autumn had more

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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