Chapter 250

Book 3 Chapter 85


“I can’t believe we are sneaking out for the first time,” Caroline whispered as we entered the elevator. “It feels like I’m suddenly wild and free.”

“You don’t have to whisper anymore,” Winter tells her. “They can’t hear us in here. Don’t get too excited, there’s still a chance for someone to realize we’re missing and raise the alarm.”

Caroline shrugs her shoulders, “I still feel like they can hear us. I’ll be whispering for the rest of the night until we return home.”

I’d convinced them to let me see Dante one last time. However, they’d only agreed because they were tagging along. They didn’t want me roaming around alone, especially since Cassius would be watching our every move from now on.

“Remember, you’re only going there to stop the fight.” Winter reminds me. “We’re not staying long. Dante can’t know where you’re staying. You have to keep everything a secret. Once you stop the fight, we will be returning home immediately. We can’t risk mother finding out what we’ve been up to. If she finds out, we will all be punished severely. Especially you. I can assure you that you don’t want to know what her punishments are like. Since you’re pregnant, we want to avoid mother’s punishments.”

“I know,” I answer her. “You’ve told me this fifteen times for today alone. Trust me; I remember every word.”

I wasn’t even exaggerating. She kept repeating it to me. I knew I couldn’t stay after stopping the fight, but part of me wanted to be by Dante’s side a little longer. I know that I was the one that made the decision to leave him but it was never an easy one.

“The fight already started,” Caroline informs me. “We aren’t going to make it in time to stop it. Are you sure you still want to go there?”

“What?” I demand as a shiver runs down my spine. “How could it have started already? That’s not the time I was told it would be starting.”

I wanted to get there to stop it, I didn’t want to reach there when Dante was already bruised from head to toe from his match.

for some reason.” She informs me. “It looks full. It must be a sell-out. Most of them are girls still hoping that Dante will win this last

even in the academy, there were plenty

“Willow just might make it to his last match. He’s doing

Tonight? Two matches?

Was he insane?

like Dante was determined to suffer tonight.

must be using this opportunity to hurt himself now that I’m gone. He knows if I were there, I would

this. He always wanted to harm himself after Anya’s

about his family? Why weren’t they stopping

tried. Dante was very stubborn when he wanted to get something done. I’m sure they are all

know the pain you went through because his heart was never yours. We were keeping an eye on you. We know everything.

already in the car, and I was thankful it was dark, and she

hurts every time I’m reminded that Dante

loved him since the beginning,” I tell her. “I can’t see him destroy his life and do nothing about it. I hate to admit it, but I miss him. I knew it would be difficult,

It must be harder to know that he’s in love with someone you originally thought was your sister. Men are such fools sometimes. Anya tried to destroy his family; she never loved him, and still, he seems to love her. You’re the one he should

everyone around him knew it as well. Dante was the only person that didn’t see it that way. His love for her was pure and true. My sister was very lucky

race as we pulled into the parking lot that

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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