The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn Chapter 261

Book 3 Chapter 96


Dante wasn’t saying anything, and my heart kept sinking at the look on his face. Was he that happy to see her? Was he truly going to do as she asked?

I knew his heart still belonged to her. But I was sure I meant more to him than this.

Was I wrong?

Did Dante have zero feelings for me as Cassius suggested?

I didn’t want him to be right but I couldn’t ignore the signs in front of me. He looked like he was enchanted by her.

I knew this wasn’t the real Anya. I knew it was a fake. Cassius didn’t have enough time or the blood needed to resurrect Anya. He needed the blood of Autumn and Clarissa along with his, and then he needed something that belonged to Anya. At least, that’s what I heard him say. It could have all been lies to mess with my emotions. He loved messing with people’s emotions, it brought him great joy.

This was just a distraction, his genius plan, at least that’s what he called it.

I was shouting for Dante to hear me, trying to warn him, but Cassius was one step ahead of me. He’d put a spell on me and I couldn’t speak for ten whole minutes.

Dante couldn’t hear my words even though he could see me. Though right now, the only person he seemed to see in front of him was Anya. He’d forgotten about coming to protect me.

Cassius had one of his shapeshifter friends to do the job for him, and she was doing a damn good job at it. While she distracted Dante and his brothers, Cassius was busy searching for Autumn and Clarissa. He knew they wouldn’t give them up easily. He was brilliant, but I was hoping that my family was smarter. I was praying that they were prepared for this. So far, it didn’t seem that way but no one would expect to see Anya when she was supposed to be dead.

I still hadn’t seen what Cassius could do, but I didn’t want to find out. I was hoping that we could kill him before a battle could begin.

Dante steps towards the fake Anya, and my heart drops a little. I didn’t want to see this. I didn’t want to see him get closer to her in front of me. He’s wanted this since she died, and it was finally here. It was his chance to tell Anya how much he loved and missed her.

I couldn’t stop the tears streaming down my face from the sight before me.

I watch helplessly as Dante pulls her into his arms. “I can’t believe it’s you. I can’t believe you’re in front of me right now.”

holding me Dante.” She whispers. “Now tell Willow that you don’t love her. Tell her that I’m the only woman you’ll ever love. Tell her that she can never have a future with you as long as

I could tell that he still had his arms around

hear a piercing scream. It was the

Why was she screaming?

saw Dante with a b****y knife in his

is the only right choice for me.” He growls. “Even if

words. I couldn’t believe he’d just said

. . Does this mean he knew she

this was the real Anya? They don’t waste any time getting rid of the shapeshifter. She was easy to get

once more, and I could see the relief in his eyes. He doesn’t waste another second as he runs to my side and pulls me into

me close, “I’m so happy you’re alive, Willow. I’m so happy to have you in my arms

against my forehead

this close to me again. As much as I wanted to stay here, I knew we had people

only a distraction! Cassius is going for Autumn

need to be told twice. They were already running

my feet, and we run

and my heart dropped when I immediately knew it belonged to Caroline. He was already

I screamed as I increased my speed. I was running as fast as

me as he grabs my hand to

if he knew I was pregnant. I

in front of us. Caroline was trying to take on Cassius by

waist and pulls me back towards him. “No! Stay back. It’s too dangerous,

sister!” I scream. “I

roars. “The deal was an exchange. I give you Willow and you give me my sisters. Where

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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