The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn Chapter 270

Book 4 Chapter 5


“I still don’t understand how I’m supposed to pretend to like someone I hate,” I tell my sister as we walk into the cafeteria. It’s the first step to see if Carter would notice me. Clara wants to see how much work she needs to put in to get him to pay any attention. I told her earlier that punching him a second time would be the perfect way, but she was totally against it.

“Okay,” she says, looking at the table to the furthest right, “I see him, and he’s there with a woman on his lap; of course, he would be doing something like that in the middle of the cafeteria.”

I follow her gaze and shake my head in disgust. This was a completely different girl from who we saw him with earlier. At least he was always around Clara in public places when they were dating, not showing up with a different girl every second. I wish I could say the same about what he was doing behind closed doors, however.

“This is the first test,” she tells me. “Walk towards them and spill water over their table. I want to see his reaction to you.”

“I’d much rather punch him,” I tell her.

She gives me a look and hands me a cup of water, “Come on, we don’t have much time left.”

I press my lips tightly together in annoyance and grab the cup from her. Neither Carter nor the girl on his lap notices me coming towards them. I guess that’s a good sign for now. That’s the good thing about not being famous: you can walk right in front of someone, and they won’t even notice you. I loved being invisible; I wouldn’t be doing this if my sister wasn’t so heartbroken over her breakup. I’m hoping with time that, she would get over him and ask me to stop this plan.

As I walk closer to them, I clutch the cup closer to my chest. I can’t believe I will throw water all over their table.

“Carter!” Someone shouts his name and bumps straight into me. My eyes widen when I accidentally throw the water onto Carter and the girl. I cover my mouth with my hand in shock as the girl begins to scream and jumps out of his lap.

Carter looks up at me then, ready to say filthy words, I’m sure. However, when he sees that it’s me, he doesn’t say anything. Maybe he thinks that saying anything to me isn’t worth his time. It’s the only reason I can think of.

“You!” The girl shouts. “How dare you throw water on top of us?”

but I don’t because I know that my mission

good. I can’t even entertain the idea; how am I supposed to allow

I even worried? Carter would never fall for me; how could someone that dated someone as amazing as my sister ever fall for me? I was worrying for nothing. As

to pay for my dress!” She shouts. “Do you

was water. What was that

bothered about. Besides, I like my women

gape at him and swallow

blushes and kisses

to puke and quickly leave before seeing more

to Clara when

her laughter, and I frown at her; she’s why I was in that mess in the first

course, this will be funny to you. You’re not the one that keeps drawing attention to herself

leave an impression on him. I can assure you


we supposed to do now?”

us. “I want to know if Carter will notice that you’re following him. If he doesn’t, it’s not a good sign. We want him to notice

hardly think following him around will give him a good impression of

to follow him around today. I need to

me?” I ask

makeup. Now go before you lose them.”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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