The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn Chapter 275

Book 4 Chapter 10

“How should we get his attention?” I ask Clara after looking at Carter, who is still busy with those other women.

Didn’t they ever get tired of making out? I fold my arms and try to ignore them.

“You don’t have to do much,” she tells me. “Almost all the men are looking your way right now.”

She was already looking better than earlier when we’d just walked in.

I fake laugh, “No, sister, their eyes are on you.” I disagree with her. “You’re the most beautiful girl here.”

“I think their eyes are on the both of you.” Jenna corrects us both. “I’ve seen a good few men look at both of you individually. You’re both very attractive. You’d have all the eyes in the room if half of them weren’t already drunk.”

“Sure,” I whisper under my breath.

Carter still wasn’t looking our way, and I knew it upset Clara. She wanted this plan to work immediately. She didn’t have much patience when it came to revenge. She wanted it to happen in the blink of an eye.

“If there is one thing that would draw his attention, it’s having other guys interested in you.” She tells me as a few guys walk up to us. “This is good. Entertain them for as long as you could.”

Entertain them? For as long as I could?

Was she insane?

I didn’t want to entertain many horny men just to get Carter to look my way! They assured me that my bikini would be enough to attract his eyes, but that didn’t seem to be working! How were they so sure that this plan would work when the last one had failed?

I force a smile on my face and start a conversation with the first guy that approaches me. This was one of the hardest things I’ve ever been forced to do in my life. As soon as one guy left, another came running.

I didn’t only have to entertain Carter but every other guy at this party. Well, it wasn’t precisely every guy at the party, but it sure did feel like it. I wanted to run and hide. I had to keep reminding myself that Carter deserved what was coming to him, that is, if he did fall for Clara’s trap.

might just be able to pull

though we’d never spoken before. He was the fifth guy to approach me, and still, Carter hadn’t realized my

Why didn’t we give up and return home? Pretending tonight never happened would be the

tell me your name, pretty girl?” He asks

I felt like rolling my eyes, but the look my sister gave me told me she wanted

I blink my eyes and flip my hair like the other girls were doing? Should I openly flirt and fake

making a fool of myself. But maybe that wasn’t such a bad idea; it would get Jason

to him. I didn’t

to Carter’s voice

practically glaring at Jason, but it also seemed like he

existence once more. I can’t say I wasn’t glad for the distraction. I didn’t like the way Jason looked

some girls I’d like to introduce you to,” he

he greets her, and she shows

me with his dangerous eyes, just like he did the day he told me he saw my panties. My cheeks turn red at the reminder. Today, he could see much more than just my underwear. I was exposed in every way possible,

He doesn’t try to hide his annoyance, but unlike the other day, he says nothing about what I chose

watch as he walks off with Jason

do you think?” I ask Clara. “He didn’t seem to have much of a reaction

didn’t say anything to you because I was here. We may have to leave you alone for the

“I don’t want to be here by myself. Do you see how many creepy looks people are sending me? Can you imagine what will happen the moment I’m left alone? I would rather not like to be put through such embarrassment. I’m uncomfortable and want to go home as soon as

try to talk to you. And you don’t even have

does annoy me; I don’t have to act,”

and if anyone tries to harass you,

realizes that Carter would not fall for me. Look at how

have a better idea,” Jenna

other ideas because I thought that this

her in the back of Carter’s truck?”

stare at my best friend as though she’d

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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