Chapter 284


The crowd goes hushed as they realize who I am, the little sister of the girl Carter Prince once dated. The silence is making things a lot worse. I thought I hated the noise, but I hated this silence more under these circumstances.

It wasn’t like I can run and hide now. There were too many eyes on me, and I didn’t want to be known as a coward for running and hiding from a kiss.

Out of all the possible things I thought could have gone wrong tonight, this was the last one I expected.

Luck was not on my side.

I spot Carter from a distance, and his eyes are stuck on me like glue. He looks surprised, almost as though he wasn’t expecting to see me here. Was he disappointed that I was the girl he had to kiss tonight?

I watch as he walks towards me, pushing through the crowd to get to me.

He’s smiling, actually smiling. Of course, he would be enjoying something like this. I want to knock the smile out of his pretty face!

me felt like it was moving in slow motion with the uncomfortable silence around me. Even now, no one was making a single sound. I don’t think this has ever happened

finally reaches me, I’m hit by his luscious scent. Even all sweaty and

leaned down so that his mouth was inches away from mine, and I swear I almost forgot how to breathe. Everything started to

my own feelings. I don’t

mine. I’m not sure what I expected from his kiss, but it most definitely wasn’t this. My body practically melted from his lips on mine. I felt like I was

like my control was slowly slipping away. I’m not even aware of what I’m


into my mouth. I didn’t know that kissing could make you feel this good. I felt like

more. I felt like running

I quickly push Carter away from me. Both of us are breathing hard, and his lips are now red from

take from what just happened. There was a vital spark between us. Something I’ve never felt around anyone else before. It made me terrified.

directed at me. They all wanted to kiss him; I’m sure that’s why half of the

can say anything to me. I watched as they carried him back

know now that he works hard and deserves to win, even though he was an ass in his personal

kissed Carter Prince!”

wasn’t alone. She wasn’t the only one who saw me kiss him; Clara did as well, and she hadn’t said anything

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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