The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn Chapter 289 ~SCARLETT~

I slam my elbow into his chest, and he coughs between laughter.

“Did she just hit Carter?” I hear one of the girls ask angrily.

I roll my eyes and ignore her as I storm out of the field.

I could hear Clara shouting my name as she ran after me.

She grabs my arm as soon as we hit the hallway.

“What the hell was that about?” She demands from me. “Why did you hit him?”

“He’s an ass.” I hiss. “A massive one.”

“What did he say to you?” She asks as she studies my face.

Should I tell her? She already knew his mouth was dirty; this wouldn’t surprise her. But for some reason, I couldn’t say it.

What was wrong with me? Why couldn’t I just tell her?

“He has a foul mouth. Let’s leave it at that.” I say.

She sighs, and Jenna joins our side just then.

“What’s going on?” She asks as she senses the tension.

Clara raises her hand, “guess who just hit Carter for the second time.”

Jenna gasps, “you didn’t?”

I roll my eyes and fold my arms against my chest. “He had it coming.”

Scarlett. He’s not going to fall for you if you keep hitting him. You’ll turn him into your enemy much faster than anything

Clara. He isn’t easy to get along with. Something about him sends my blood boiling, and

Plans don’t always go the way you expect it to. Let’s not give up. Scarlett needs a little more

any time in the

most of my anger was for something else. It bothered me that my body responded to those

was never someone to enjoy something like that. It worried and


all the girls,

all following him like

time, her eyes are

“What?” I ask her.

She points out. “I know that you never liked Carter after you learned

learning new things about him daily; of course, that hatred would

mixed with something else. I was beginning to realize that I wasn’t completely immune to Carter’s charms like we initially thought. I

of me wanted to experience

What was I thinking?

couldn’t possibly be attracted to him. I couldn’t possibly want him to

coming this way.” Jenna tries to

tried to stop my heart from racing, but the damn thing was suddenly

looks at Clara briefly before walking over

widen in surprise. Why did he

the confusion in her eyes. Even she

have the

she wants me to say yes. She would use any opportunity to get me closer

hard, “I want to speak

about? He was always playful and

me by grabbing me by my waist and pulling me into a classroom. I can hear Clara’s surprise gasp behind us, but I don’t get a chance

are you doing?”

but I never told him he could put his hands on

me. “I need you to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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