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Chapter 87: Chapter 85: ‘White Tower Organization’ and ‘Golden Origin Token’ (Seeking the first subscription)

Translator: 549690339

“How is it possible??”

The Golden Origin Token manifested a hue of deep red. No one knew better than Leia herself what this color indicated.

“Tell me exactly what happened today?”

Leia’s tone was very stern; it was almost like an interrogation.

Lemley hastily nodded and recounted his visit to the White Rose Shop earlier that day in detail.

“So you’re saying the Golden Origin Token reacted this way after you made contact with that store manager? Impossible!”

After listening to Lemley’s words, Leia didn’t hesitate to voice her disbelieve.

However, seeing Lemley’s red face full of conviction, Leia couldn’t help but consider the possibility that it might indeed be true.

“Tell me the events of today again in detail. Don’t leave a single thing out!”

A silent atmosphere dominated the room. Lemley didn’t interrupt Leia’s thoughts.

“A Level 2 Wizard Apprentice carrying a treasure with a Level 3 Wizard’s power? How is that possible?”

Leia was constrained by the firm belief that it was impossible to the point of questioning if there might be a mistake with the Golden Origin Token.

However, the aggressive red light emitting from the Golden Origin Token in her hand was unmistakable. The harsh reality was hard to deny.

The store manager, allegedly a Level 2 Wizard Apprentice, must have indeed held a significant secret.

This secret might even have been big enough to change the power structure on the continent.

she really have stumbled

Golden Origin Token, a color that had not appeared for

the golden token was in her hands, but everything

sure he didn’t notice anything unusual

having regained her composure,

just nodded in

unusual about me. Our

this, Leia nodded. A serious


here, Leia spoke

I will handle this personally. Do not disclose this

ends, please choose your reward!] [Retain

“Retain Realm!”

made his decision, and instantly, his Spiritual

any signs of joy.

a series of troubling thoughts running through his


previous simulations had the same scenario of him taking over the shop in Curved Corner City, but nothing like this had

the problem arise when he actually took

detail in reality, unlike in the simulations, and

untouched, but ironically,

bloodline seed,

time, Milton was deemed as the Continent’s wanted fugitive and

his simulation went slightly better. He infiltrated the enemy’s inside

is indeed a cancer that has existed for thousands of

Milton rubbed his temples.

he felt the limitations of his


Counts left now, any misstep could lead him to an

to correct his errors, he had only himself to depend

raced in Miltons

he escape from the Curved

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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