
Chapter 1019

I really hate this.

And when I say that, don’t think that I’m speaking lightly or any such thing. This isn’t one of those times when someone says they hate it when they put their socks on inside out, or they hate it when their food is a little cold.

I mean I hate this.

Currently, I sit, a sullen lump of sparkling carapace, in the centre of a vast formation of ants. There are scouts roaming and looking for threats. There are healers monitoring my condition. There are squads of soldiers and generals patrolling around the clock. There are teams of mages tunnelling beneath me and fortifying the stone.

Even the humans are in on it! I can see Beyn from where I sit, leading the gathered faithful in some sort of ceremony whilst his followers weep and point at me. Some even fall to their knees, raising their hands to the sky as if overcome with emotion.

I’m just evolving! This is what monsters are supposed to do, right?! It happens all the damn time… nothing special is going on over here.

[Do I really have to sit here and wait?] I complain for the hundredth time.

[Yes, Master,] Crinis says happily. [You aren’t allowed to move until the fortress is complete.]

I give her the evil eye, which she brushes off easily. The little murder-ball has been way too pleased by this turn of events. Having me under this absurd lock-down protocol seems to have finally relieved her of a deep-seated source of stress.

Namely, me.

She’s busy humming to herself and weaving her tentacles into fantastic shapes in order to practise her control, pleased as punch that, for once, I can’t get myself into trouble.

[What about you, Tiny?] I cast about for an ally. [You must be bored out of your brain, right? Want to break out and leave?]

My first ally on Pangera opens one eye lazily. Then he yawns.

[Sleepy,] he says, before he closes his eyes and rolls over.

[Traitor,] I grumble.

Invidia is my only hope now. The green eye blazes as he stares down at me from his position on top of Tiny.

[Give your levelssss to meeeee,] he hisses.

getting any

pressing need to maintain my dignity, I’d roll

want out of here! Let me go!

the next batch of cores.” Protectant appears and dumps another pile on the

leader of my imposed bodyguards has never looked so smug as she does

inspect the cores before you bring them to me?” I whine. “What the heck are cores going to do

Everything is obsessively checked, even the Biomass. It’s insane, and what makes me even more exasperated is

be too careful,” Protectant smugly says, her smug face smugging up the air with thick

this, don’t you?” I collapse, filled with

readily admits. “I wanted to have you under this sort of protection from day

Coolant says as she approaches. “The Eldest will only tolerate this for a short time,

wearily. “This is me humouring you to the best of my

with ensuring that I evolve perfectly and safely. It’s such an overwhelming outpouring of support and love that I can’t exactly spit in their faces and say no. Right now, there are hundreds of thousands of ants rummaging

and his team have been notified and are on their way down. We are doing everything we can to secure the most powerful cores we can find to push your energy as far as it will go. Construction is occurring around the

meantime, I just sit


“... Fine.”

put on me

All the advice I’ve ever

things in the mountain going? Any luck flushing out the last of the termites?” I ask, desperate to keep the conversation

still finding pockets of the enemy in the depths,” Coolant replies, an

“Something wrong?”


tunnelled so deep, and expanded their gardens so far, that we believe they may

boggle at

“What?! That’s insane!”

numbers we have available, it will take weeks to thoroughly explore it all. By that time, I believe it highly likely that one

That… isn’t good.

similar enough to regular termites, that means any female worker can become a queen. They may not even need to evolve to start the process! Despite crushing this colony, we may have spawned another three or four smaller ones that will have

to be a pain in the abdomen,” I groan. I flick my antennae at the thousands of ants currently posted to guard me. “Don’t you think they have more important things to

Coolant says, unruffled. “Your successful evolution is the most important priority for the Colony. It will be months before rogue termite nests have grown enough to be any sort of

Dammit. Well, I tried.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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