Chapter 334: Chapter 196: “New Way of Death” and “Severing the Path of Fate” (Please Subscribe)_2

[Ninety-five years old: You interrupted your Practicing Meditation Technique and undertook the first compulsory mission after becoming a Level 4 Wizard.]

[Ninety-seven years old: You left the Guardian Sea and headed to the Stellar Realm for the mission.

[Two hundred and eighty-two years old: Waiting for the right time to complete the mission, you haven’t slacked in your Practicing Meditation Technique during this period.]

[Two hundred and ninety-three years old: Although the progress of Practicing Meditation Technique isn’t fast, you are still persisting in it.]

[Three hundred and fifty-two years old: You completed the mission in the Guardian Sea successfully, but you didn’t return to the Guardian Sea straight away. Instead, you went first to the Wizard Realm to earn some Magic Stones.]

[Three hundred and eighty-five years old: You left the Wizard Continent and returned to the Guardian Sea to hand over the completed mission.]

[Four hundred and forty-three years old: You stopped Practicing Meditation Technique, accepted another mission, and once again left Guardian Sea, heading to the Bloody Sea Realm this time.]

[Four hundred and seventy-five years old: At this time, the Inter-realm War between the Wizard Realm and Bloody Sea Realm was particularly intense. You silently lurked in the Bloody Sea Realm, waiting for the chance to complete the mission.]

[Six hundred and thirty-three years old: With the Inter-realm War about to end, you have also completed the mission, leaving the Bloody Sea Realm, a place of disputes.]

[Six hundred and fifty-four years old: The Inter-realm War ended, with the Bloody Sea Realm being devoured. However, this didn’t involve you, practicing the Meditation Technique in the Wizard Tower.]

[Seven hundred and thirty-two years old: The Guardian Sea declared war against other Inter-realm Wizard Organizations in the Wizard Realm, a conflict you could not avoid.]

[Seven hundred and eighty-six years old: The internal war hadn’t begun yet, you seized the time to diligently practice the Meditation Technique. Before the war arrives, power is the most important thing.]

[Nine hundred and thirty-eight years old: The internal war within the Wizard Realm began, and you were forced to leave Guardian Sea towards the Wizard Realm.]

[Nine hundred and ninety-two years old: A wizard of the maximum level 4 level attacked you. You were severely injured and returned to the Guardian Sea.]

[One thousand two hundred and twenty-five years old: Mansour intervened and ended the civil war. The Guardian Sea suffered heavy losses, and you found Mansour’s motives somewhat incomprehensible.]

[One thousand two hundred and fifty-nine years old: Practicing Meditation Technique in the Wizard Tower, without the interference of missions, you are ceaselessly practicing the Meditation Technique.]

[One thousand four hundred and thirty-three years old: The Guardian Sea starts wars against other worlds, and as a Level 4 wizard, you also had to participate.]

[One thousand five hundred and forty-five years old: Your life trajectory was severed, and you died.]

[Simulation Ends, please choose your reward!]

[Retain Realm]or[Retain Technique]

[You can choose to retain three segments of memory!]

As the Text Simulation ends, the black characters in front of Milton Cheney gradually began to dissipate.

Until he saw the last line of black characters, there was no change in Milton Cheney’s expression.

line of the Text Simulation, he was taken

Life trajectory was severed?

new way of death, but more because it was

he did


he died without

a way of death that he had never experienced

shock was just momentary, the next moment Milton

“Retain Realm.”

being one thousand five hundred and forty-three years old, one thousand five hundred

contemplated in

Realm was

Text Simulation, the majority of his time

really mastered a new Magic in this Text

As for retaining memory.

know what exactly happened in the

exactly was his final

would have an approximate understanding of

to retain the memories of the

Cheney’s Spiritual Sea rippled slightly,

segments, representing the memories of his last three years in the Text Simulation,

Milton Cheney opened his eyes, with a

that’s how

three years of memory, Milton Cheney

severing his fate trajectory was somewhat similar to his Star-Picking Master techniques, only more

it was

fate in this world was completely stripped away,

many life-saving puppets were there, the World Consciousness could

a method is too exaggerated, it must come with a

understood the cause of his death, Milton Cheney

and harder to understand than magic

a cultivation path exist

of cultivation path, then Milton Cheney


many level 4 wizards were sent, they wouldn’t be able

time could be considered

Cheney pondered it over in his

had to

didn’t want his future in this world to come to an abrupt and

passed, and as he was thinking over the

this method have any effect

that appeared

in Milton

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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