Chapter 54

Dick was stunned. He stared at Venus incredulously and stammered,” W-what did you say?”

“I said…” Venus inhaled deeply and raised her voice, “You are not welcome here at Roman Restaurant, so please leave immediately and never set foot here ever again!”

“Venus, do you know who you are speaking to?” Dick revealed his identity. “I am Dick Holland, and my brother is Roy Holland! Are you seriously telling me to leave?”

“This is my territory. Not even your brother has power here.” Venus gave the order to throw Dick out, “Please escort this man and his partner out.”

Two ferocious security guards came over and dragged Dick away.


After Dick was thrown out of the restaurant, he turned around grudgingly and roared, “You f*cking b*tch! I will not forget this!”

“He’s too noisy. Teach him a lesson.”

security guards went up and beat Dick

up. He pulled his phone out and

his brother dearly, and when he knew that the latter was bullied, he was infuriated. “Tell me who did it.”

exaggerated what happened

really strong support, but who is that guy? How dare

my brother, up?” Roy was angry.

Roman Restaurant. Bring your men over and don’t let him escape!”

I will be

and gathered his men. “Team Three, follow me at once.”

to protect that f*cker!” Back at the restaurant, Venus apologized to Andrius again, “Mr. Moonshade, I am so sorry about this. It is our restaurant’s mistake for affecting your dining experience. I’ll prepare

behind the bar

guests were jealous of Andrius when she offered to prepare cocktails

a well-known bartender, and her

was the Beauty Blossom. Those who were lucky enough to taste her cocktails

taste of Beauty Blossom, but after Venus won the national bartending competition, she never made

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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