Chapter 120


Chapter 120

“What? What just happened?”

Solomon was surprised. His expression went through multiple changes.

He suddenly thought of many things: Jamire, Connor, Baldy Lewis, and now Densel. It seemed like everything was connected to Andrius.

Could it be…

A thought appeared in Solomon’s head.

Andrius was more than met the eye.

“It’s legitimate news,” the secretary said confidently. He then added in a slightly mysterious tone, “Boss, I also got something else.”

“What is it?”

The secretary answered, “Andrius Moonshade and Luna Crestfall aren’t really married. They are not registered.”

Thud. Thud. Thud.

the table rhythmically. It was his habit when he pondered.

yet he faked his


woman, or else he could have just married

be because of money!

her body and her wealth, there was nothing Luna could offer

the secretary. He

problem could be solved

a tempting price, he would be able to rope Andrius

he could just erase Andrius from the face of the

work, Andrius headed

a beautiful woman in professional attire came over to him. It

Moonshade, Mr. Stormbrew wants to see you. He’s right around the corner.”


Solomon Stormbrew?

Solomon, yet the man was looking for him?

followed the secretary to

building and

secretary since she had been the man’s target for a while now. She trailed Andrius

the secretary to an underground parking lot where Solomon was in a


down, stretched his hand for

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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