Chapter 193

The whole ward was dark for a moment.

When it was bright again, he was lying over Donald’s neck, biting into his carotid artery.




With a sound that made everyone shiver, Donald was drained of all his blood and turned into a shriveled body lying on the ground.

Everyone present was stunned into silence.

It was only then that they could see the monster clearly. He was a person, but his hair was so thick that they could not see his skin at all.

Everyone let out a gasp.

They did not know that this was the fourth–strongest fighter of the Crestfalls.

had helped the Crestfalls get

Timberlands want to stick their heads out for that scumbag…” Idris looked at Donald’s corpse on the ground and said coldly,


responded with a roar.

to the windowsill, jumped down, and disappeared from everyone’s

witnessed this scene could not

a dinner party tomorrow night and invite all the

Crestfalls. I want the Crestfalls to

while we’re at

quickly responded, “Yes, Father. I’ll get right on

invitations were sent out from Centro Hospital.

signature of the Crestfall family, they

was a

powerful than the Henderson family. They could be considered unrivaled. The Crestfalls from the capital could make a person live


those who received the invitations were in fear. Those who did not receive the invitations were also fearful as they did not know what they would

in Noir’s auto


his phone. “The latest news is that that old geezer, Idris, sent invitations to all

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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