The Wrong Woman

Chapter 107

Chapter 107

Lindsey couldn’t stop talking about how much effort she put into raising the Morrison brothers.

Suddenly, a loud noise outside caught everyone’s attention. Taylor, Tobias, and Duke hurried in with their wives, looking concerned.

They quickly asked, “Where’s Dad? How is he?”

With a big smile, Lindsey replied, “Your dad is here, enjoying his lunch.”

Gary was confused when he saw his sons and daughters-in-law looking anxious. “What’s happening?”

Taylor shot Lindsey an angry look and grumbled, “Aunt Lindsey told us you had a stroke and died at home.”

Frustrated, Gary slammed the table and shouted, “Lin! Can’t you tell a joke without making it sound like a curse? You wished a stroke and death upon me at home?”

Lindsey rushed over and gripped Gary’s arm. “Gary, I was just joking and no harm intended. Don’t be upset. Let me ease your mind.”

Gary felt helpless, and an awkward atmosphere settled among everyone. They were eventually forced into sitting down for a meal together.

Lindsey continued her critiques by labeling each member of the Morrison family as “heartless”. Suzanne grew tired after just two

rounds of hearing the complaints.

couldn’t imagine how many times the Morrisons had endured Lindsey’s

anyone from leaving. She forced the


gather on the living room couch for coffee


Suzanne quietly asked him, “Nathan, is it true that Lindsey raised you and

wanting anyone else to hear, “Not exactly. In our family,

brothers had our own nanný. Aunt Lindsey never really went to work and

dad spoils his little sister quite a bit,”


“Yeah, that’s true.”

you happy with the bride she selected

and replied in a slightly serious tone, “Don’t take it too seriously. This is

side and whispered intimately to

couple, the entire family was aware that Suzanne and Nathan lacked

to the intimacy of their actions and the surprise they elicited from those

eyes, but she put


“Nathan and Suzanne seem

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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