The Wrong Woman

Chapter 113

Chapter 113

Suzanne called her mother’s number.

The dial tone went on for a long time. Right before it ended, the call went through. A loud noise followed

“Higher… higher… Fuck me, I’ve bust!

“Hello? Who is this?”

Suzanne felt uneasy listening to her mother’s vulgar language. She

said slowly, “It’s Suzanne, Mom.”

Betty Burns’ tone immediately became loving. “Oh, my darling daughter. How are you? Is that old lady doing alright?”

Suzanne hadn’t told her family that she had married Nathan. They thought she was still working as a caretaker at Shovale.

“We’re all okay,” Suzanne said faintly.

Betty sighed long and hard. “I’m personally not doing very well here My blood pressure and sugar are both high. My rheumatism has relapsed too, making it so difficult to sleep through the night.

“That damned alcoholic of a father you have always abuses me when he comes home drunk too. Oh, Suzanne, things are so difficult for me


gone into hiding after getting at buttload of debt. He hasn’t given me anything to sustain myself with

all this while.

rheumatism is, Suzanne. Your father isn’t


“Oh, Suzanne-”

off, saying, “I understand, Mom. I’ll

so much, dear!” Betty said

your help

have to be so polite with

you come to the hospital with

grew anxious. “Are you

I…” Suzanne’s words stuck in

kind, and understanding. She was always very fond of Suzanne because

would never agree to it. After all, how could Betty

have a hereditary immune disorder. The doctor isn’t 100% sure so needs to do a test to look at

Betty began

upset. But whether it was because she worried about Suzanne as a person or as her personal

later on, Mom. We can set a

up and


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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