The Wrong Woman

Chapter 152

Chapter 152

As the assistant made a dash for the door, they were intercepted by Norvanian military soldiers. The lawyer quickly interjected, “We could sue you for defamation.”

However, the appraiser sneered in response. “Watch your own back. That woman has committed a crime.”

In a panic, the imposter fought her way through the crowd, attempting to flee. Onlookers observed her futile attempt to reach the exit before being apprehended by the waiting soldiers.

“What are you doing? Let go of me! I’m calling the police!” she

protested as she struggled against them.

“No need. We’ll take you there ourselves,” Cole retorted.

With that, the imposter and her assistant were escorted away in a technical vehicle and transported to the police.

Back in the hall, the remaining spectators were left with mixed


In particular, Lindsey wore a somber expression at the unexpected revelation. Despite their initial reluctance, Duke and Layla begrudgingly acknowledged Suzanne as Inkwell.

to their dampened spirit, the internet buzzed with excitement. The return of the renowned Inkwell after a prolonged absence sparked fervor. Her latest masterpiece, “Spring Garden”, became highly coveted among art

proposed, “Make a donation to an orphanage in Norvania. The highest donor will receive the


hurriedly grabbed her

a hushed voice, “Are you out of your mind? The painting you sold me alone is

under camera

vying for it. You could easily make

Don’t waste the money on charity. It’s not like they will appreciate your kindness.”

gentle smile and remarked, “I suggest you donate the

money!” Wendy snapped back angrily.

you’re family. Let’s not escalate this to legal matters,”

in disbelief. Despite Suzanne’s outward gentleness, her eyes betrayed a steely resolve

was driven by greed, she wasn’t devoid of moral After all, the paintings

make the donation,” Wendy sensibly agreed, recognizing the potential benefits of aligning

reporter jumped into the fray, announcing, “Ms.

escalated rapidly, soaring to six million, then

stood in stunned silence. Even Layla, with her usual disdainful expression, covered her mouth in shock in

the plain painting, created by the woman

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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