The Wrong Woman

Chapter 165

Chapter 165

Sally felt the seriousness of the situation sank in. Anxiously, she looked at Gary and Florence. “Mr. Morrison, Mrs. Morrison, I-”

But before she could say more, they just walked past her without a word, their faces cold and distant.

Others in the living room also displayed indifference and disdain. They muttered just loud enough for $ally to catch their words.

“I can’t believe this. I’ve been around for ages, and I still can’t figure out when someone’s faking being the victim.”

“You’re not alone. I’ve fallen for it too.”

The Morrisons despised Sally. Normally, Sally could handle awkward situations, but this one was tough. The whole living room was empty, and Sally was the only one left.

Frustration boiled inside her, and anger flashed in her eyes. Sh clenched her teeth, stormed back to her room, packed her ba walked out.

Leaving the Morrison residence, Sally’s resentment grew. She gra her phone and made a call. “Hello, is this Suzanne’s dad? Your daughter has tied the knot with someone from a wealthy family.”

In her room, Suzanne carefully planted the zinnias in a pot, then set it on the balcony before giving them a good watering.

A huge

balcony was bathed in

sun. Suzanne’s cheeks blushed as the sunlight gently kissed

smiled, and she found herself irresistibly drawn to reach out

gone super quiet. Wondering what Nathan

both hands to support herself as she leaned toward Nathan’s handsome face. She watched in silence for

steadily and quietly. His face was really good-looking, with thick eyebrows, a straight nose, and lips

gave off a cold and serious vibe that made others feel a sense of intimidation when he stayed silent.

being Nathan’s wife, was amaze that she now got flowers from him. Even though his way of giving flowers was unique, it still touched her deeply.

smiled softly as she carefully inched closer. Her movements were graceful, and with bated

her lips met Nathan’s soft ones, her heart burst with emotion. Her whole body tensed and

their secret moment. Just as she felt relieved, Nathan slowly opened his

She pressed her lips

child caught in the act. Nathan looked quietly

sorry,” Suzanne apologized.

hard. He couldn’t figure out why Suzanne was saying sorry for kissing him. In a

just wanted to thank you. I really appreciate the flowers you give

a hum of acknowledgment, his eyes filled

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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