The Wrong Woman

Chapter 190

Chapter 190

“Up to you.” Nathan’s eyes turned subtly darker as he moved past her and headed toward the driver’s seat. He pulled the door open

and entered the vehicle.

A wave of anger abruptly washed over him when he saw the back of Suzanne’s dress.

Her dress looked innocent from the front, but the back was a sexy open–back cut. Her pale, naked back was exposed from underneath her long hair.

How inappropriate!

Nathan walked back toward her and grabbed her wrist before leading her toward the passenger’s seat.

“What are you doing?”

“Wait for me in the car.” He pushed her into the seat and shut the


Then, he circled around the front of the car and sat in the driver’s


“Buckle up.”

find a coffee shop to wait in. Just let me know when you’re

and fastened the

startled her. Her back pressed against the

trying to put enough distance between them. She didn’t breathe and blinked nervously at him.

scent on her body–it tugged on his heartstrings. He tried to appear calm despite his quickening

minutes later, the car stopped in front of the hospital. Nathan unbuckled his seatbelt and told her

in the hospital?” she asked

“Lucas, he’s injured.”


“How is he? I

car. I’ll inform you if anything happens.” His tone was

he didn’t want her to go inside, she didn’t

the car, she sat waiting in the passenger seat for a very long time. The sun shone brightly through

to sit in

and closed her eyes to rest.

the afternoon till night

up in a daze and felt like the car was moving. Rubbing her eyes, she sat up.

a ghost of a woman appeared in the rearview mirror. Her thick and unruly hair scared him to bits, and he started yelling

yelling scared Suzanne equally. She huddled in the corner,

recognized the voice and calmed down. He took a deep breath to regain his


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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