The Wrong Woman

Chapter 206

Chapter 206

“Where are you going? Let me help you.” She was worried that he wasn’t strong enough and would collapse.

Nathan’s voice was cold, and he was prickly. “Bathroom. Are you coming as well?” he snapped.

Suzanne’s cheeks heated up, and she retracted her hand shyly. She felt awkward and was also taken aback by his strange anger.

He didn’t seem particularly fond of Liam. Did they not get along?

“You, you go ahead.” She lowered her hand and sat back down on the bed. She picked up her spoon and continued eating.

Her face was hot, and her heart was beating fast.

After the meal, she cleaned up and read on a chair. Nathan worked on business matters on his laptop.

The room was quiet. They did their own thing without disturbing the


Sunlight shined from the window. It felt bright and warm.

Suzanne would occasionally sneak glances at Nathan. She couldn’t help but swoon over the way he looked when he was immersed in his


she felt contempt and happy just by silently being next

for him to take his medication. She

were fixated intently on the screen of his

laploge again

achat She hatedthe

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women’t the only man in

feeding an insecure becond

of this cruel, she wasn’t herself anymore. She was always

head back Call me if you

in reply

take your medicine on time. Your wounds can’t come in contact with water. You can’t


on in tinte

at her

dressings every day too,”

You….” He hesitated.

of relief and exhalated with a smile. “Then I’ll be heading back

he wanted to say were stuck in his throaroat.

coming back to visit

her ever to drop by


before a voice

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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