The Wrong Woman

Chapter 528

Phoebe stood by Mila's side, scanning the surroundings, even though she didn't know what Mila was up to.

But after years of being Mila's personal assistant, she knew she had to be on a lookout.

Seeing no one around, Phoebe glanced down at the display screen Mila was busy operating.

It was then that Phoebe noticed Mila had logged into her hacker account from several years ago.

Mila had studied engineering and chemical manufacturing. Proficiency in computer programming was essential for chemical weapons manufacturing, so she was also excellent in computer skills.

She had a hacker account, but she generally didn't invade other people's computers, let alone showcase her superb skills on the internet.

That was why she wasn't even listed in the hacker rankings.

After a series of operations, Mila closed the computer.

Suddenly, the staff in the building's monitoring room began to panic. They opened the door and said, "Call somebody here to fix it. What happened? Why did the screen go blank all of a sudden?"

Carrying the computer, Mila walked over in large strides with a smile. She said, "Sir, I'm a staff member from Dreamshift Beauty Salon. The director asked me to check why our surveillance screens went blank."

The security responded nervously, "We don't know what happened either. The main screen here went blank."

Mila frowned as she looked puzzled. She said, "I know a bit about surveillance equipment. Can I have a look?"

The security guard scrutinized Mila and then glanced at Phoebe who was standing behind her.

Seeing two innocent-looking women, he let down his guard.

and said, "Take a look, it's all static

I can fix this. Do you

was surprised,

nodded then replied, "I

the security guard immediately pulled out a chair for

surveillance cameras. It was not any state secret, so the

Mila took out a USB

is a Trojan virus removal

the security

the USB flash

of the situation, Mila implanted her remote surveillance

copied all the previously saved footage onto the USB

pressed random keys on the keyboard to delay the time it took to

she unplugged the USB flash drive and casually clicked the

security guards

said, "It's done. Just restart it, and everything

what she wanted. She left the monitoring

was going on, so she didn't ask further questions and

returned to the front of

as they

door, they

y saw Avery g

luxurious car. Content car.



The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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