The Wrong Woman

Chapter 531

Phoebe tried putting herself in Mila's shoes and she already felt infuriated.

It was not surprising that Mila felt bottled up inside.

"Mila, you should tell Mr. Morrison to kick Fenna out," Phoebe said with frustration.

"Every time I see Fenna, I feel disgusted. You must feel even worse than me."

After she was done deleting the footage, Mila turned off her tablet and leaned back in her seat. She said calmly, "I don't feel uncomfortable." Because she didn't care anymore. She had expressed her dislike for Fenna to Nathan more than once. She had let him know that she didn't want Fenna around and interfere with their relationship.

But Nathan didn't think Fenna could affect the relationship between him and Mila, so he didn't take it seriously.

Maybe because Fenna was arranged by Donald to work with him. Maybe because of their long friendship, or maybe because Fenna was Cameron's sister. Nathan was biased and protective to some extent.

On the day she was targeted for assassination, she had a sense of impending doom. She begged him to stay at home with her and send Cole to rescue Fenna. But he was worried about Fenna's safety, so he went anyway.

That wasn't the worst part for her.

The worst part was when she was in her most dangerous and helpless moment. She thought of him, so she called him for help.

The first time, he didn't answer.

time, his phone

anything she had ever experienced. She also realized that a woman should never rely on

lost his life

then on, she was determined to make herself

later, a vehicle parked at the

nearby. There was also a group of soldiers seemingly ready to

to say, "Madam

Fenna was among them.

you been? Why did you ditch us? What are you up to? Are you trying to scare me to death?" Phoebe was puzzled. She said, "Dude, who do you think I am? Why

as he replied, "I'm not being harsh.

on a faint smile and then turned to look

walked toward the house while holding

angrily stormed up to Mila and blocked her path. She looked very annoyed as she exclaimed, "Do you know that your reckless actions have made Nate drop

can't you be more mature? Nate is exhausted, and

turned cold. She interrupted


Mila assumed the dignified

of "Mrs. Morrison"

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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