The Wrong Woman

Chapter 535

Phoebe was shocked. She was speechless as she stared at Nathan.

Nathan looked confused. He asked, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

Phoebe sneered. She replied quietly, "No wonder Mila doesn't love you anymore. You're really not worth her love."

"Explain why," Nathan said with a cold expression.

Phoebe was intimidated by his sternness and nervously gulped. She pretended to be relaxed as she teased, "Mr. Morrison, you're defending the other woman like this, no wonder Mila doesn't trust you.

"She wants to find out the truth herself. She wants to avenge her prematurely born son and me, who got shot."

Nathan unhappily responded, "Fenna is not the other woman. She and I have a purely professional relationship."

Phoebe sneered. She sarcastically said, "Huh, which man having an affair would admit to having another woman? I'm not your wife so you don't have to explain to me.

"Anyway, between Mila and Fenna, you chose Fenna. Mila is outstanding; she doesn't really need to be with you. If she feels it's not worth it, she naturally won't love you anymore."

Nathan slowly clenched his fists. His face turned pale, his chest felt heavy and uncomfortable. He learned of Mila's attitude from Phoebe's words.

Was that why she was leaving Nathan in the cold?

his seat then tightly gripped his knees and applied gradual force. He urged, "Go on."

won't blame you. Let out


look at me anymore, let alone talk

sneered and gloated, "You deserve

his lips as he endured the

a sigh before leaning back in her seat. She squinted at Fenna who stood outside. She really took up the cudgel for

vented her dissatisfaction, "Mr. Morrison, you're someone who knows

harem. You

like Mila and still

spending time with her husband every day, freely entering her home, organizing her husband's room and personal belongings, and arrogantly criticizing her for not being homely


woman can bear being told by the other woman that she doesn't

household chores, doesn't knowet.

of people, and is deemed

her husband's phone in times of crises, while her husband is out

accumulate over time and explode at a certain point. Mr.


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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