Chapter 457 The Act of Spoon-Feeding

Sonia rolled her eyes at Charles. “Look, do whatever you want to, but you’ll have to wait a bit if you insist on having dinner here because the chowder is off-limits.”

He pouted like a child. “Fine, I guess I’ll let him have the chowder, seeing as he risked death to save you and all that.”

“That’s more like it,” she said with a grin. “Now, sit down while I whip up a couple of dishes. It’ll only take a moment.”

“Okay.” Charles nodded and headed for the couch.

Sonia, on the other hand, wore her apron once more and returned to the kitchen where she resumed her cooking.

True to her words, it didn’t take long for the dishes to be done. They pulled their own chairs at the dining table and got ready to dig in.

He had only just picked up his utensils when he suddenly asked, “By the way, baby, I saw the suitcase next to the coffee table. Are you going on a trip?”

“Not exactly. I’m making a trip to my grandfather’s country house,” she answered after swallowing a mouthful of food.

With a curious gaze, he probed, “Well, what are you going there for?”

“To help my grandfather look for his journal.”

“Oh, is that it? Then, maybe I should go back with you,” he offered after taking a spoonful of one of the dishes.

Sonia eyed him with suspicion. “You don’t have to tag along.”

“Of course I do. I can be your driver. The muscles on your back have yet to heal and driving on your own would be torture; you’ll only return feeling worse. I’m offering my companionship as a matter of precaution and it’d also ease my worries,” Charles explained cheerily.

As though she was reminded of her injuries, she reached to feel her back. A gentle prod was all it took to make a sharp ache flare up on her back. She knew that there was no way she could make a three-hour drive down to the countryside and back to the city again; sitting down for hours on end would make her back shrivel up in pain. Besides, her driver had taken the next day off in light of his daughter’s birthday.

Since things were already at this stage, Sonia was left with no choice but to look for a new driver for her trip. “In that case, you can come along. We leave at 9:00AM tomorrow,” she said as she took a sip of soup.

so that’s settled.

“Okay,” she replied.

After having exited the gated area of Bayside Residence, she turned down his offer to drop her off at the hospital. The drive from

stubborn she was, he knew better than to try and dissuade her. However, just as she had opened her car door and was about to slide into the driver’s seat, he suddenly

edge of the door and gave

features as he warned, “Take care that Toby doesn’t try to have his way with you


from death, I wouldn’t put it past him to use your gratitude as leverage and ask you for some strange favor. You and I both

Charles. “He’s not like that. I know him and he’s not

that he had helped her out with the bank loan that racked up to billions and

pleased and she would have been cornered. However, he never

case. Anyway, just keep your

goodbye at him as

room. The door was closed, but she picked up on muffled

to reveal a middle-aged woman wearing a caretaker’s uniform on the other side. The woman

here to see President Fuller. I brought him dinner,” Sonia informed, showing the woman the thermal

the caretaker. “Oh,

Sonia asked,

Fuller earlier, he told me that a young lady will be dropping by with his dinner and that I

the explanation. So,

come in, Miss Reed. Mr. Fuller has been waiting for you for a while now,” the caretaker ushered as she stepped to the

a brow.

was any ‘pretty young lady with a

goodness.” Sonia laughed. “Thank

ravenous if he had been so desperate for her arrival. Then again,

the thermal flask in hand, she walked into the hospital

glance, he was leaning against the headboard with his eyes closed, seemingly asleep. However, she knew for a fact that he was wide awake because it had only been moments ago

the beside table as quietly as possible. Then, she softly called out his

her voice appeared to have awakened him whereby he turned to fix his gaze on her as he said, “Oh, you’re

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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