
I wanted so badly to comfort Lincoln, but I couldn’t bring myself to do so. I know that the situation at the dress store looks horrible at best, and he is fighting his urge to toss me aside. I’m amazed that I could convince him to just listen to me before making a decision. He is the impulsive one, yet it was Landon who lashed out without hearing my side.

The walk to the room is agonizing. I don’t know what to say or what to do. My only plan is to tell the truth, but that doesn’t mean I will be believed. The truth sounds fishy at best, but it’s the only truth I have. I would never cheat on my mates for any reason, and I don’t even have an interest in Neal like that. I’m more interested in finding out what happened to make Neal think I wanted him.

I walk into our room and stand in the middle. I don’t really want to sit down because I’m too anxious. Honestly, I may need to run; if I sit down, it would be hard to do. If anyone had asked me before, I would have said that my mates would never hurt me, but after seeing the look on Landon’s face, I’m not so sure anymore. If I had betrayed them, I would gladly drop to my knees and take whatever I had coming, but I didn’t.

Lincoln walks in behind me and sits on the couch. We don’t speak, and the tension is thick. I can’t even bring myself to look at him, which, I’d imagine, makes me look guilty as hell. I can’t help that right now, though. I don’t know what to do with myself because I don’t know what will happen once I tell them what I need to say. I don’t know if they will believe me, and that, the unknown, is unnerving.

The door opens, and I smell him; peppermint and lemon…….and something else. I turn around quickly and look at Landon. He is looking me up and down, anger in his eyes. I don’t care about that at the moment. I have more pressing matters. “Where were you?” Landon doesn’t answer but continues to stare. “Were you with her?” I recognize that scent. I have known that scent all my life, that cherry scent. I’ve actually grown to despise that scent and most things associated with it.

“You don’t get to question me. You’re the one who has to answer for their actions.” Landon’s voice is gruff and sounds like he is a bit out of breath. I take a few steps closer to him and really look at him. That’s when I see it; a bit of blood on his neck. I sharply inhale and feel the tears build in my eyes.

“What did you do?”


over everything in my head. I stretch, reaching my arms out far and arching my back. I slowly slide off the boulder and head

into jail, I knew it was my chance. I knew where he would end up. He showed me the spot years ago when we were in high school. He always goes there when he just needs time to

it doesn’t matter. Damn, I wish I could be a fly on the wall right now. Imagining that conversation gives me so many goosebumps and, I have to admit, gets me a bit aroused. I shake my

I quicken my pace to catch it. What the- where is Aida going? She is heading through the woods, but I don’t know where she’s going. A part of me thinks of following her, but I decide not to. I have to be available when s**t hits the fan, so Aida will

blocked, which she never does. I hate this because I miss my twin. We have always clung to each other and have always been in each other’s minds. I know this has been harder for her because she’s been in love with Lincoln for years. It sucks for me too, but more so because I’m missing out on my title. Once I handle this mess, I

in one of the lounge rooms. I’m tempted to listen outside the door,


the same hurt I’ve felt since I saw her stumble out of that dressing room. A part of me is satisfied that she feels what I feel, and

Tia’s voice is quieter now, the pain clinging to every


by Adela. My heart hurts so much, and my head is clouded. I’ve blocked out my brother and Tia just so I can think. I’m feeling so comforted that I forget where I am and who I’m

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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