Chapter 182
The whole place was silent.
Everyone stunned by Jameson’s forceful punch.
Even Maxwell was speechless for a moment, eyeing Jameson warily.
He was worried that Jameson still wanted to beat him up. If he punched him a few more times, he would definitely be crip pled today.
“Let me clarify something,” Sasha’s clear voice rang out amidst the tension, drawing. everyone’s attention.
Sasha shrugged. She was not flustered even when everyone was looking at her.
“I am not his person. We are divorced and have nothing to do with each other now.”
This statement added an even more bizarre twist to the already strange atmosphere.
Even Maxwell hadn’t expected to unwittingly flirt with Jameson’s ex-wife. Remembering some rumors he had heard, Maxwell’s look towards Sasha was filled with

Jameson internally chuckled at the irony. Even at such a moment, Sasha didn’t miss a chance to clarify their relationship.
She probably even thought his protection was unnecessary and ridiculous.
Jameson felt a storm raging inside him but managed to keep a straight face.
“Even though we’re divorced, she is still someone I, Jameson, acknowledge as family. Bullying her means you’re crossing me,” Jameson said coldly, his gaze warily sweeping
over Maxwell.
Maxwell shivered under that gaze.
Just then, a mocking voice echoed from the entrance.
“Family? You’re really good at flattering yourself. How did your family treat Sashy? Don’t you have any idea?”
As Lester said this, his face was also revealed to everyone.
The passers-by were shocked. Why was Lester here as well?
That’s right, because the two sons of the Peyer family were famous for being a pl ayboy. there was a lot of gossip news about him. He was always on the trending topic, and
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Chapter 182
passers-by were very familiar with his enchanting face.
Lester walked up to Sasha, bending down to ask with concern. “Are you alright?”
Sasha shook her head. “Why are you here?”
“I saw the live stream and came right over, Lester said, gently flicking her forehead, a simple gesture filled with affection. “Why didn’t you tell me about the trouble?”
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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