Chapter 405 Chaotic Scene

With Amelia’s company, Oscar finally got some quality sleep. Both of them woke up at nine o’clock in the morning. Meanwhile, in the Clinton residence, Tony woke up at half-past eight in the morning. When he woke up and could not find Kurt and Amelia around him, he was in a panic.

He called out, “Daddy! Mommy!”

“Mr. Anthony, you’re awake.” After the door was pushed open, a chubby middle-aged woman walked in.

Tony immediately took several steps back. With a stern look, he asked warily, “Who are you? Where’s Mommy and Daddy?”

“Mr. Anthony, Mr. Oscar and Ms. Amelia have returned to the apartment in the city. They’ll be here in some time. Let me bring you to wash up in the washroom, okay? Mr. Clinton and Mrs. Clinton are waiting for you to have breakfast together downstairs.” The middle-aged woman tried to butter Tony up.

Tony then replied defensively, “Don’t come near me. Where’s the phone? I need to call Daddy and Mommy. Mommy told me before that if I ever wake up in an unfamiliar place and they’re not around me, I’ll have to call them and the police. If you retain me, I’ll call the police and let them arrest you.”

The woman felt exasperated. She did not expect Tony to be so difficult to deal with. He’s just two years old and he knows the police. Seems like he’s going to be difficult.

“Mr. Anthony, let’s go to the washroom to brush your teeth and wash your face. Mr. Oscar and Ms. Amelia will be back soon.”

“I want a phone. Give it to me.”

In the end, the woman had no choice but handed Tony her phone.

Tony called Amelia first, but she did not answer the call. Feeling upset, he phoned Kurt, and the latter answered it almost instantly.

“Daddy, I’m Tony. Where are you? Come and get me. I’m scared to be alone here,” Tony pleaded. “Daddy, come quickly. Don’t leave me. Or else, I’m going to start crying.”

Exasperatedly, Kurt consoled, “Tony, be good. I have something on. Please listen to Grandpa and Grandma. Don’t make things difficult for Mommy, all right?”

Tony was an extremely sensitive child. He sobbed as he asked, “Daddy, did the Big Meanie appear again? Is that why you don’t want me now? Are you going to separate from Mommy?”

There was no response from the other side of the line.

“Daddy! Daddy, are you still there?”

“I am.”

“Daddy, come and pick me up, okay? I’m scared here. I don’t want you to leave. Don’t leave me and Mommy, okay? Come quickly. Or else, I’m really going to cry,” Tony complained aggrievedly.

long time, Kurt still rejected him, “Tony, I’m still busy now. You have to behave

pick me up soon. I don’t like this place.”

the call, the woman said carefully, “Mr. Anthony,

me in there and I’ll do it myself,” Tony replied coldly. He was throwing a fit because he woke up to a place where all his loved ones

went downstairs without letting the woman

they had been waiting for him at the dining table, they

his chair, he failed because the chair was too tall

the chair. Looking at Owen, Tony

out his arms for

a pleasant surprise. Olivia widened her eyes in shock when she saw that. She quickly came in front of Owen

and Daddy away. You’re a bad person. I don’t want

see her precious grandson, yet he had just accused

yesterday. Amelia is the one who has taken care of him in the past couple of years. Children are very sensitive. He can certainly

to her seat. She was still enthusiastic as she said, “Tony, I’ve ordered

speaking, she scooped some soup into

a napkin and said, “Grandma, thank

was not bothered at all. She smiled endearingly and replied, “Tony, what else do you want to eat? I’ll cook for you. I have

anything. I

flashed across Olivia’s eyes, but she suppressed her

can’t live with you anymore. From now on, you’ll stay with Grandpa and me. I’ll make all sorts of good food for you. Also, your daddy will marry a soft-spoken and thoughtful woman, and she’ll take

won’t marry someone else. You’re badmouthing Mommy. Mommy said that only bad people badmouth others. I don’t want

not tall enough. Seeing that, Owen hurriedly came to help him. Squatting beside Tony, he consoled, “Tony, Grandma didn’t mean it. She’s telling you that even Mommy has married someone else,

looked at Owen in confusion before he asked,

divorce. However, they’ll still love you. Even if they marry someone else, you’ll still be their child. You’ll live with me and

as he pouted and looked at

his expression,

want to stay here with you.”

a shock, and

he ran extremely fast. Owen and Olivia were old now,

Owen managed to grab

married to someone else, she will still love you. It’s just that she won’t have that much

Tony was struggling

saw a chaotic scene in the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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