Arabella Rivera 









I wiped my mouth with the tissue and threw it on the now empty plate. I was seated crossed leg on my bed, back slouched as I wiped the tissue over the dirty plate, completely lost in thought. My phone gives off a ping then buzzes. 







There was only one person who would call me this late. Not that I had many friends or contacts to call me either. I was considered an introvert, not that I had any complaint. 







I looked at the lit up screen and even though it was to the edge of the bed Gwen’s picture could be seen. I crawled my way to the phone and answered before it stopped. “What are you doing before your big day biatch!” 







Of course, this was how she normally greets me. I rolled my eyes falling back on the bed, legs kicked up towards the high white ceiling. This was probably a bad idea considering that I had just finished gobbling down food. 







“What big day are you talking about Gwen?” Had she finally lost her bonkers? Gwen was deemed a little crazy sometimes. 







I could already picture her rolling her eyes in irritation, pulling the phone away just to glare at it, like I would magically feel it through the device. 







“Our first day as seniors Arabella! This is considered a big day for us. The sophomores can finally bow down to us.” She practically squealed in my ears. I had to move the phone away just to avoid my eardrums being affected. 







eyes. Doll like to be considered a barbie doll, very opposite from my dull brown hair and my smoky green eyes that occasionally looked grey or blue. She and I became friends when she moved







of the dreadful day that’s







year to be cheer captain. Come on, I need my best friend to be as excited as me. Don’t leave me hanging.” She whines.







wait for tomorrow, I was the only sour puss. I turn on my stomach. “You’re right, it’s not like I have a ton of pressure on my shoulders. Honestly, I should just rent a party bus, pull up to school with it and invite everyone to come have an alcoholic drink.







cool! Too bad we can’t, don’t want the principal suspending us on our first day.” She laughs. Not at all







it completely when I touched the tender







a bump. That would suck going to school with a bump the size of a golf ball on my forehead. I could already imagine the







“Yeah, that’s too yellow, nasty.” She murmurs, not to me specifically.







rent out a party bus? Furthermore, have any







other end for a couple of seconds before she agreed.” True. Your parents are too strict Arabella, sometimes I feel







me about







skirt I bought yesterday?” Gwen questions.







my brow, still rubbing the tender spot on my forehead. “Are you already picking out clothes for tomorrow?”







I’ll be picking you up a little later tomorrow







then it’s totally fine. You should wear the pink skirt, though it’s a little too short.” I said. Gwen


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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