Arabella Rivera

The dark haired boy spits out blood, glaring at the door Haiden and another boy disappeared from. “Fuck you Cross.” He spits again, this time the bloody spit falls on top of the lunch table.

He roughly pushes another boy away from him and marches away. A second later the cafeteria goes back to normal, like nothing ever happened. Strangely my eyes didn’t want to stray away from the door Haiden walked out of.

What was all that about?

The confusion I felt was as heavy as a sack of rocks. Haiden’s actions were always confusing and was constantly an alarm to everyone. But never had I ever seen him fight with someone he spared his friendship to.

The rage in his eyes was so dark and intense that I could see it from here. The clench of his jaw as it locked in fury was alarming. And the way his fist collided on the guy’s face was like a damn warning

guy’s face was like a damn warning for more pain. Sickening and frightening.

Honestly I didn’t think he used all his strength on that single punch. If he had, the guy would have been knocked out cold. Everyone knew Haiden threw a mean right hook. That’s one of the reasons many fear him so much.

“What the hell is his problem?” Gwen grumble after the shock warded off of her face. Her voice snapped me out of whatever had frozen me solid and tugged me back to the present.

I didn’t like the present.

Gwen plops herself back in her chair, discarded the crumbled napkin on the table and faces Christian. “Sorry you had t o see that on your first day. It’s just Haiden…….. being Haiden.”

“Speaking of……” She takes a fry from her tray and points it at Christian. “You probably should stay away from him. He’s bad news and will get you in trouble. “She pushes the fry in her mouth and chews harshly.

who refused to tear

a word yet but neither did I. Meredith on the

at where Haiden disappeared and snorts, unamused.” Already too late for that. I


until settling on Gwen and mumbles faintly with the heavy tone of

I was all for setting an opinion but the way he spoke

jaw as I

who barely knows Haiden, he sure holds

biggest hypocrite. The only thing I

thing I knew of Haiden was his short temper, his cold and hot attitude and the taste of his kiss. But somehow m y own body, mouth, and mind, wanted to defend a guy I barely knew

you’ve said earlier, staying mysterious with a step brother like Haiden, is like seeing green leaves in the fall season. Better for them to know now than find out later on

Haiden Cross’s step -brother? Like hey bro, I live with you brother? When did I miss this?” Gwen

last night and only before school did I catch a glimpse of him. His mother filled me in on what Haiden’s been up to. Can’t say I’m surprised by what I just saw. Looks like

judging him


like you

he makes

having a step-brother? That crap will make a good newspaper headline.”Meredith voiced out

ridiculous Meredith. Haiden’s not that important to even make it

that are still in that long ass waiting line. Don’t act like you didn’t want his fine ass too Gwen.” Meredith

to clench her jaw and seeth. “That was before I knew

a real asshole

I refuse to eat the tasteless salad. I’d probably get diarrhea i f I do anyway. “I’ll be back.” I mumble getting up with the intent

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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