Chapter 79 Chapter 79

"It hurts..." Nyla muttered, sweat breaking out on her forehead. Her delicate brows were tightly knitted, and her face was ghastly pale.

The doctor arrived with her medication for gastritis around the same time.

The intention was to have her take the medicine first. However, she was clenching her teeth so tightly. that it was impossible to get her to swallow the pills. In this situation, the only option was to administer IV fluids.

Once the IV was set up, the doctor turned to Damon and said, "When she wakes up, give her some light foods like chicken soup."

"Got it."

After giving a few more instructions, the doctor and the staff left.

"Mr. Sumner, maybe you should go get some rest. I'll keep an eye on Ms. Jayston," Spencer suggested.

Damon glanced down at his hand, still tightly gripped by Nyla. His expression darkened.

While the doctor had been setting up the IV earlier, he had tried to pry her hand away but had failed, which was why Nyla's other hand was used for the IV.

"Do you think I can rest in this situation? Damon asked.

hands and quickly changed the subject. "I'll get some chicken soup for


room fell into silence,


her features scrunched up in pain, and felt a pang of sympathy. But then he remembered she was Clark's wife, his niece-in-law,

unknowingly held onto something warm. She grasped tightly, thinking it

broke, Nyla

was Damon's face,

in surprise, taking a few seconds to realize it was real,

head hit the headboard hard, making her wince in

roused Damon, who saw her holding her head

gaze, Nyla Ignored her pain and


darkened. "Last night, you passed out from stomach


Chapter 79

hand so tightly I couldn't pry it loose. I had to wait here until you

something in her pain-induced daze, but

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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