Chapter 95

Once Nyla got home, she contacted Spencer, who instructed her to come to the CEO's office the next morning for fingerprint registration and access cards.

After hanging up, Nyla felt anxious. Clark already suspected Damon of having ulterior motives toward her. Now that she was going to work at Prospectus Technology, there could be serious trouble if Clark found


For now, though, she could only take it one step at a time and deal with it when it happened.

The next morning, Nyla got up, freshened up, and drove to Prospectus Technology.

After parking her car, she went to the reception and mentioned she was there to see Spencer.

Upon confirming her identity, the receptionist led her to the elevator. "Ms. Jayston, the CEO's office is on the top floor."

Nyla nodded. "Thank you."

pressed the button for the top

time at Prospectus Technology and had heard that all their elevators were scenic. Now,

the elevator rose, the city's landscape unfolded before

out and down a long


office, but their setup was different from Prospectus Technology's. Prospectus Technology

just after 8:00a.m., all the


Nyla spotted Spencer at the desk outside the CEO's office, sorting through documents. She quickly approached his desk. "Mr. Hogg." Spencer looked up, saw it was Nyla, and stood up. "Ms. Jayston, you're here.

by Park Pharmaceuticals, she still needed to go through

Mr. Hogg,"

"You're welcome."

the onboarding process, Spencer showed Nyla where the cafeteria was before taking her to the laboratory building.


was connected to the main building by a long

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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