Chapter 104

As the knife pierced Nyla's hand, she let out a muffled groan, her face turning pale from the pain. Blood flowed from her wound, creating a gruesome sight.

Lucia smirked and pulled the knife out, causing blood to spurt.

Nyla bit her lip hard to stifle a scream.

Lucia's smirk widened at Nyla's pained but restrained expression." Didn't think you were this tough. Let's see how long you can last."

Lucia raised the knife again, aiming for Nyla's heart.

Just as the blade was about to reach its mark, a sharp pain shot through Lucia's wrist, and the knife clattered to the ground.

Lucia stared in disbelief at the dart lodged in her wrist. She looked up and saw someone running toward her.

Panicking, she bent down to retrieve the knife, but a powerful kick sent her flying before she could. She hit the ground hard and spat out blood before losing consciousness.

Spencer quickly kicked the knife away and helped Nyla up. "Ms. Jayston, are you okay?"

Nyla was shocked to see Spencer. She hadn't expected him to come to her rescue and wondered how he knew where to find her.

gratitude. She knew that without his timely intervention, she

Hogg." Nyla's voice was weak from her injuries and blood

credit, glanced



hapter 104

exuded a cold aura.

go subdue Lucia,"

"Go ahead," Damon replied.

Nyla looked up at Damon, about to speak, but he suddenly bent down

gasped, instinctively wanting to wrap her arms around his neck. However, she stopped herself, remembering her

but I can walk. Please put me down,"

Damon felt strange to Nyla, especially since he was Clark's

at her and asked, "Are you

her lip, about to insist she could, but Damon was already

glanced up at his resolute expression, her heart skipping a beat. She lowered her head and

reached the ground floor,

stopping the bleeding, the doctor

has only sustained some external injuries. She's not in immediate danger, but she should still go to the hospital for a

nodded. "Do as you

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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