Chapter 219

Before leaving Damon ordered that the service staff who had followed Cyrus' orders. be bound and brought directly before Marie and Richard.

These traitorous servants need to be dealt with sooner rather than later," he said.

Richard's face darkened. "What's going on here?

"You should ask my dear older brother about that," Damon replied.

Richard turned his cold gaze to Cyrus. "You explain."

Cyrus grimaced. He hadn't expected Damon to expose the matter so publicly.

The living room fell silent as everyone's eyes focused on Cyrus, who remained. unwilling to speak.

"if you don't explain, I'll investigate it myself Richard slammed the table, his eyes. burning with anger.

display meant Cyrus' actions were anything

the mounting pressure. He was about to reveal everything when he

you should understand the gravity of

his teeth and said coldly, "I drugged Damon and arranged for a woman to be sent to his bed for the sake of an investment in

the woman was Nyla, knowing that not only Damon would come after him, but also that Clark

enraged and disappointed as he

want to drive me and your father to our graves?" "Dad, Mom, I'm sorry... I had no other choice, Cyrus apologized, lowering his head, his eyes

Damo ha invested in his company as

measures, not would Damon have exposed

had no choice hit

but to harm your

the old wing and stay there until


escorted Cyrus away

can go now. We need to rest, Richard and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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