Chapter 82 I’m Back to Retrieve My Belongings

After lying down for a while, Caroline heard a knock on the door some ten minutes later. It was Lily, carrying a tray of food with a bright smile on her face. “You’re finally home, Ms. Shenton.”

Caroline sat up and offered a flat smile. “I’m just back to get some stuff, Lily.”

Lily sighed as she placed the food on the bedside table. “It would be great if you stayed.”

Caroline fell silent for a moment. “Is Daniella giving you a hard time?”

Lily forced a smile and remained silent, handing her the cooled–down soup.

“I can see that you’ve lost more weight. You should stay here for a while and let me nurse you back to health,” Lily suggested.

Caroline took a sip of the soup and licking her lips before asking. “Tell me the truth, Lily, Has Daniella been causing trouble for you?”

“It’s unavoidable.” Lily sighed. “I often wish you’d come back.”

Caroline drank another sip of soup and licked her lips. “I can’t come back, Lily. But I believe I can chase Daniella out. You must help me with this.”

She lifted her head to look at Lily. Her clear eyes filled with determination

Lily widened her eyes in shock. “Ms Shenton, the reason you’re doing this.

Caroline took a deep breath and recounted all the things Daniella had done to Katie briefly.

Lily couldn’t contain her anger after hearing the whole story. “I can do it, Ms. Shenton. Let me come up with a plan on how to do it.”

Caroline nodded and expressed her gratefulness to Lily.

At 1 a.m., Caroline looked up from her phone as the door opened.

Daniella entered the room with bloodshot eyes

the bed, Daniella spoke in a lowered voice. “Do you have no

expressionlessly. “You’re shameless too, so why

here to grab your stuff?! Why haven’t you left? Why must

don’t recall being the one who wanted to stay. Evan



trembled with anger. “Aren’t you scared that I’ll expose


replied nonchalantly. “I’m already the infamous mistress. Do you think I’m.

a little criticism like that?”

the audacity, Caroline?!” Daniella was on the verge of

her face contorted in


apart. But then, she suddenly paused

down Caroline’s back.

forgotten about the

status. If Evan said no, there was no way that


of wasting her energy being pissed here, she would win the Xanders‘ hearts first.

perfect cover for her to

like Nic suggested.

the effort

her face as she thought about

top in

turned to leave.

by Daniella’s character,


and lay down with a

smelled Evan’s scent lingering on the blanket, a strange comfort washed over her. She knew that moving on from a relationship wouldn’t be

past 10 a.m., feeling refreshed from a good night’s sleep. After freshening up, she went downstairs, making sure to tidy up the bed before leaving

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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