Chapter 169 Why Wasn’t This Matter Uncovered Earlier?


Caroline remained silent for a while, then stood up and headed to the children’s room

Tyler was clearly startled as the door opened suddenly. He hurriedly closed the laptop.

Caroline’s attention went to the laptop. With a serious look, she asked, “What were you watching. Ty?”

Tyler chuckled uneasily. “Cartoons, Mommy”

“Since you were watching cartoons, why did you shut your laptop in such a panic?” Caroline asked doubtfully.

Tyler thought quickly. I don’t want you to think that I lack ambition.”

Caroline would never peek at Tyler’s secrets. She had always believed that her children should have a space for privacy.

However, today’s incident was not trivial.

The scene was shocking to adults, let alone a child who was not physically and mentally


admit it, Caroline inhaled a deep breath and sat before

lie. Even if you’re lying out of good intentions, I don’t want you to make lying


head in

I had something that I wanted to

explained softly.

convinced of her speculation after seeing her son’s behavior.

I hope you won’t

involved in

so you should understand what

his hands in sadness. “I just don’t want you to be

dealing with adult matters. If I


yet. Do

said. “Yes, Mommy.


me the truth about something

looked up in puzzlement,


son became so skilled in coding,

into customizing computers, but she didn’t anticipate his skill to be that of a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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