Chapter 61


“How long are you going to keep this up?” he asked me, frowning while both of his hands were placed on either side of his waist.

We are now staying in the main villa, and since we left the cabin, I haven’t taken anything but water. He still hasn’t given me my phone back, and I’m pretty persistent about getting it back by h ook or by crook. I need to talk to my son. I can’t continue staying here and pretending as if we’re the only people in the world when my son is out there trying to survive on his own.

Sylvia is an angel. She has been very reliable when it comes to taking care of my son. But I still couldn’t change the fact that she’s still basically a stranger to us. Despite that, I’m still more willing to leave my son under her care than to allow Sebastian to know the truth about our son.

I need to make sure I know what’s going on inside his head before I decide to introduce him to my son. I can’t take the risk of telling him the truth without making sure that he’s not going to take him away from me.

“For as long as I can,” I responded. I’m currently staying in the room, locking myself in. But obviously, he had the key; that’s why he’s known for standing at the end of the bed, looking irritated.

“You haven’t eaten anything since this morning! Do you have any idea what time it is right now?”

I’m well aware of how long it has been since I decided to do a hunger strike against Sebastian. He isn’t the only one counting every minute passed since this morning. My stomach has been growling non-stop, and I’m starting to have a migraine. Despite all of that, I endured everything and didn’t give up. I need that phone, and if starving myself to death is the only way to get what I want, then that’s what I’m going to do.

I looked outside the window and noticed that it was already dark outside. I decided to stay silent.

“Are you trying to kill yourself?!” He raises his voice. Irritation was evident in his voice. I can hear his deep breath, probably from frustration, but I didn’t try to look his way. It didn’t take long before I heard him blow a loud breath. “Fine!” he shouted before walking towards his drawer. I fetched a key from his pocket and opened it. From there, he grabbed my phone before handing it over to me. “Do you promise to eat after

you make your call?” he asked in a calming manner.

I was about to get the phone from his hand when he quickly moved it away, preventing


16:03 Fri, 26 Jan

Chapter 61

me from getting it. “I need an answer, Blaire,” he asked in a serious tone.




With that, he proceeded to give me back my phone. Upon getting it, I quickly ran towards the bathroom and locked myself in. I know Sebastian has the key to all the doors in this house, but I have a feeling that he will not try to

quickly dialed Sylvia’s number to call her. Just

about you! Thank Go d you called!” she greeted me. “Blaze has been asking

you for taking care of Blaze for me. Is he

to my son. A few seconds

as if he’s

are you?” I uttered, trying to

cr ackled over the phone, the unmistakable sound of tears welling

mix of amusement and affection. “I’m sorry for making you worry, baby. But I’m fine. I just can’t come to you for a little while since I have work to do. Please take care of yourself, okay? I’ll be back as soon as I can,” I reassured, my words carrying the warmth of a mother’s love across the

his voice a mixture of emotions. “I know, Mom, but it’s scary here without you. Can’t you

intensifying. “I wish I could, sweetheart. But you know I’m doing this for you, right? I promise we’ll be together again soon.

Mom. Just promise you’ll come back,” he pleaded,

my heart. Now, take good care of yourself and listen to

Mom. I






Chapter 61

too, more than you can imagine. Goodnight,

into the night, the twi nkling stars seemed to echo the distant


the bathroom, only to find Sebastian waiting outside the door with dark eyes glaring at me. A nervous gulp escaped me as I observed how

and intense, sliced through the

none of your business,” I answered,

if you don’t call

nothing to explain to you,” I replied cautiously, feeling the weight

as if weighing whether this topic was worth the argument. I was praying that he’d drop this topic. I’m afraid that the more he asks, the more chance there is that he will discover the truth about

let out a sigh of relief when he finally stopped glaring at

then grabbed my hand and started leading me


are we going?” I

that our deal?” He answered without bothering

I thought about the following days and decided that we’d be staying here. I need to make

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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