Chapter 83


As Catherine barked orders at her men to accelerate the boat, I felt a surge of hope flood my heart at the sight of Sebastian drawing near. Turning to Blaze, I could see the strain etched on his face; his urgent need for medical attention was undeniable. Time was of the essence, and I knew I had to act swiftly.

“Catherine, please, you have to let Blaze go,” I implored, knowing that reasoning with her might be our only chance. With Sebastian closing in, I realized that Catherine might surrender herself without a fight, but Blaze couldn’t afford to wait any longer. I had to try anything to ensure his safety.

But Catherine’s response was swift and merciless. “Shut up! I’ll kill you both before I let you go!” She spat, her gun trained on Blaze.

Instinctively, I positioned my,body to shield Blaze, ready to take the brunt of any harm that might come his way. “If you do that, you’ll lose all your leverage. There’s no way out for you,” I countered, hoping to appeal to her senses.

I could see my words resonating with her, planting seeds of doubt in her mind. Perhaps, just perhaps, there was still a chance to reason with her, to convince her to spare Blaze and allow him to go with Sebastian.

“N-No, no. I will not let you both get out here alive!” she insisted.

“Look around you, Catherine. Unless you want to die with us here, this is your only option. Release Blaze and use me as your hostage. You only need one to get out of here unscratched.”

“Why should I listen to you? How about this? Maybe I should just kill you now and take Blaze as my leverage,” she smirked.

“Can’t you see, Catherine? Blaze doesn’t have much time. If he doesn’t get the medical attention he needs, he could die at any moment. That leaves you nothing. I’m your best chance, Catherine. I’m begging you, let my son go.”

As Catherine’s eyes blazed with determination, she yelled, “Then, let’s all die here together!” Her voice rang out loud over the noise of the engine and the splashing waves.

In that moment, it was clear she was set on her decision, her hold on the gun firm as she readied herself for a final stand. I felt a sinking feeling in my chest as I realized talking her down wasn’t working, and the situation was turning dangerous.

But I wasn’t giving up. With Blaze’s life on the line, I knew I had to figure out a way to outsmart Catherine and keep my son safe. I need to try everything to convince her otherwise.



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Chapter 83

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“Then all of these go for nothing. If we die, Sebastian will just move on with his life and probably find a new wife,” I said. She’s obsessed with Sebastian. I’m sure she will not allow that to happen.

That’s what I needed-to give her the will to live so she would consider my


She looked over her shoulder and noticed Sebastian’s team was only a few meters away. She was breathing heavily as she assessed her current situation. It took her a few minutes before she finally decided what to do next.

“Get up!” she ordered me before pointing the gun over my head.

“Allow Blaze to go with Sebastian as soon as possible. He really needs to go to the hospital,” I pleaded once more.

“I said, Shut up! I’ll decide when I’m going to allow him to leave!” She was startled when Sebastian. finally got on the boat. She was shifting the gun between me and Sebastian.

“Let them go, Catherine. It’s me you want, right? Take me. We’ll go wherever you want, just the two of us,” Sebastian said, trying to convince Catherine.

It doesn’t matter which options she chooses; what’s important is that Blaze can get the medical care he needs. My heart was thumping as I waited for Catherine’s decision. Every second counts, and we’re already running out of time.

“Please, Catherine. Let my son go.” I begged her once more.

hysterically as she waved the gun in front of me. She then turned to Sebastian, whose face was filled with fear and worry. “Do you think I’m stu pid, Sebastian? Do you honestly believe that you can convince me that you’re going to choose me over

I am choosing you right now. Let them go. We can go far away from here,”

I walked away, I knew I’d lost you for good. I came back hoping to reclaim your heart, but when I saw the way you looked at my sister, I knew Blaire had already won you over. Your feelings for me were nothing but guilt and regret. Even when Blaire was gone and you married me, she was always on your mind. You’d leap at any chance to be with

roll down her cheeks. At the moment, my heart swelled with compassion for her. She was also a victim of circumstances. But it doesn’t justify all the crimes that

to throw your family away and choose to be with me.” Pain was evident in her voice. She then grabbed me and wrapped her arm around my neck as she pointed the gun over my



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Chapter 83

Sebastian uttered

Sebastian uttered my name. “Sebastian, please listen to everything she’s saying. I don’t care what happens to me as

going to save both of you!” he insisted,

brain and

Don’t let me do

only chance,”

Catherine said mockingly. “Can we now move on to the exciting part?” She nodded to one of her

I realized what it was. I started to panic when

no, no!”

yours, my dear sister. But I wasn’t going to find your love child when I went to your house. So, pardon me if I didn’t manage to bring an extra,” she

on me, not on my son!”

once I’m sure I’m safe,” she

I’m all ears,”


his options. My heart raced as I watched him, knowing he was facing an impossible choice. Then he took a deep breath, as if

our men

we can’t do that. Your family’s safety is our top priority,” the voice on

No questions!” Sebastian’s voice was firm, leaving

have a plan,” the



M Luria

Chapter 83


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risk my family’s safety. Now, follow

Catherine’s demands to his team, I watched with a mixture of anxiety and desperation. Every passing second felt like an eternity as I waited for their response, knowing that

voices of Sebastian’s men. They were torn between their duty to protect us and their orders to

to prioritize our safety above all else. His words were like a

Sebastian’s orders. Relief washed over me like a tidal wave as I realized that we were one step closer to

That’s the one we’ll need,”

the chopper,” Sebastian repeated over the radio. “I did

I need to make sure that I’ll be leaving here safe before I give you anything,”

have much time. Let him go,

pressing the gun harder against my temple. “Bring down the helicopter here!” She

took awhile, but once the other boats chasing us were nowhere to be seen, Catherine signaled Sebastian

air with a deafening roar, I felt a surge of adrenaline coursing through my veins. Catherine urged me forward, a sinister smirk playing on her lips as she motioned for me to board the aircraft. With each step closer to the waiting chopper, my heart pounded louder in my chest, the weight of uncertainty pressing down on me like a leaden blanket. As I settled into the seat, I watched

remote might trigger the bomb attached to my son. Every fiber of my being screamed for Sebastian to be careful and to handle the situation with the utmost caution. My hands clenched into fists, my knuckles


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The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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