Chapter 235

 Molly thought that it would not be very nice to reject them since they purposely invited her 

So, Molly brought the triplets next door. The triplets greeted Alice politely as soon as they saw her, “Good afternoon, Madam.” 

Alice was their grandmother, after all. So, they thought that they had to leave a good first impression. 

Alice saw the triplets and thought that all of them were adorable, well-behaved, and good looking. She could not help but like them immediately as she said happily, “What are your 


to have these adorable kids. I’m getting older. I started to like kids more, and I’ll get envious whenever I see them. I wonder when I’ll have the opportunity to

triplets as an excuse to nag at Sean, so she just smiled courteously. The doorbell

about how Abigail kept coming to his house uninvitedly

to not let Abigail in when

innocent look as he noticed Sean’s confronting gaze. He looked

He had already talked to the security guards, but nobody would expect

she turned around and said to Sean, “I

and it reminded her of those photos that she saw. She tried her best to hold her bitterness in as she followed Alice

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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