Chapter 27

Sean was sitting in the wheelchair as his gaze fell on his hand. A white and tender hand was burrowed in his palm. It looked tiny and cute as the hand was even smaller than his palm. He thought the suggestion was not bad after seeing how active the three little ones were. All of them were very likable. It would be a good thing if they could be there to lighten up the mood when he goes for a walk next time too. At least it would not be as boring anymore. “You’re right.” Sean agreed as he said with his thin lips.
All of the three little ones’ eyes brightened up as soon as they heard it. Their father said yes! Molly saw what was happening right after she put down the phone. She asked offhandedly,” What are you guys talking about? You guys look very happy.”
“Uncle Sean would catch some fresh air every day whenever he’s done with work. We just agreed to keep him company next time, so he won’t have to do it with Uncle Tony alone. It must’ve been hard for both of them. We should take care of each other since we’ll be neighbors in the future anyway!” Claudia said it plausibly and reasonably. “We can keep him company to catch some fresh air every day,” Ben added. Molly lifted her brows and looked at the three of them. She then exposed them without holding back, “Stop the smooth-talking. I know you guys just want to have fun on your own! Don’t use an outsider as an excuse.” ‘Uncle Handsome is not an outsider!’

The three little ones did not deny it. They stuck out their tongues friskily and looked like a grinch. Molly did not stop them despite saying what she had just said. She turned around and looked at Sean. She wanted to check on his progression, so she asked,” Did anything happen to you after that needling session in the afternoon?” “I feel sore in some parts of my body.” Sean tried to recall carefully as he answered truthfully. Molly said nonchalantly, “It’s true that you’ll feel like that after needling, so it’s normal. There’s nothing to be worried about. The needle technique relies on stimulating every part of your body slowly to repair the nerves on your legs. We have to be persistent. Give me a call before you go to bed tonight. I’ll prepare some herbs for you to soak in your bath because only I know how much to give you.” She said it straightforwardly and made it easy to understand. Sean nodded and agreed. Sean showed them the surrounding environment briefly as walking for a while. “This neighborhood is rather big, so it’s quieter and won’t have a lot of noise. However, it isn’t too secluded either. There’s a small supermarket here. After leaving the neighborhood, there’ll be a large shopping mall on the next street with everything you’ll ever need. This neighborhood also has eighty percent residential green space, so the air is very fresh here, and there’s also a manmade lake in the middle.”.
The entire neighborhood slowly turned into a simplified map in Molly’s head as she
familiarized herself thoroughly with it. There were even elementary and high schools around that neighborhood.
Molly got interested when schools were brought up. “Are there any kindergartens around here?”
The three little ones’ faces turned bitter right away after hearing that. Claudia pouted and whined. “Mommy! No!”
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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