Chapter 333 

Molly looked at Sean cool in a cool way 

This gentle-sounding Sean is not the same Sean who chased someone away icily just now Does his mood change this quickly and easily? she wondered 

“No What’s the point?” 

Molly was still annoyed. However, she wanted to save her pride in front of Sean 

She was not going to admit that she got mad from Alice’s actions and Sharon’s launts 

“You are.’ Sean gazed at Molly deeply as if he were reading her inner thoughts 

Molly pursed her lips. She did not want to speak to him anymore. Then, she turned her gaze out of the window 

It was Sean’s first time seeing Molly look so sulky He could not help but chuckle 

He moved his hand up her wrist and grabbed her hand Molly’s hand seemed exceptionally small in comparison to his large hand 

palm of her hand and gently

as though he was coaxing her

turned crimson Even though the unfamiliar touch of her arm made

predicted her plans of

of me”

getting so louchy? This is so inappropriate,’ Molly

it was to no avail

to let

them was standing while the other was sitting down For a while the two of them then

anger dissipated amid



seems to have misunderstood our relationship. She doesn’t like

question but was giving a

was not stupid The thing was. Alice was being too obvious about it. First,

like that unless it’s someone they

“What they say doesn’t matter Only what I say matters So. don’t take whatever happened today to heart As I’ve said, I only need you. I

cockles of Molly’s heart All of a sudden, Molly thought

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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