Chapter 0042

Nicholas was a devoted son. The moment I uttered those disrespectful words, he seemed ready to explode. Before he could react, the maid ascended the stairs and knocked on our door.

Claudia's altercation on campus had drawn the attention of the Hawks. The principal learned that Nicholas planned to transfer Claudia to a different college.

Worried about upsetting the Hawks, the principal called Claudia's parents to apologize.

Frances appeared concerned as she gripped my hand and reprimanded Nicholas, who was seated across from us.

"We've all warned you about spoiling Claudia too much. Look at her now-getting into fights on campus! She's still impressionable and far too young!"

I tightened my grip. Claudia was getting to an age where her infatuation with Nicholas suggested she was more mature than Frances had realized. I sat meekly, watching in silence as Nicholas was scolded. Daniel nodded gravely. "She's been staying with Ari for so long, but hasn't learned anything positive from her!"

"Her?" Nicholas glanced casually at me, sitting across from him and entertained by the scene. He seemed indifferent, and his voice was laced with sarcasm as he continued, "She's so full of herself. Thankfully, Claudia hasn't picked up any of



those traits!"

anger as I recounted the incident of being struck. Frances was concerned for me. She brushed the strands of hair from my face and gasped sharply. "Oh my! It's

it hit the floor, splattering juice and pulp everywhere. "What good are you if you can't protect your wife

peel at him, her voice sharp. "Quit glaring at Ari, you brat! Is this

moody silence, sinking onto the couch and staring at me with a crestfallen look. Growing impatient with his silence, Daniel

of the details myself, I redirected the question to Nicholas. "I'm not entirely sure about the specifics.

for Claudia,


gave a cold glance, skirting around the truth as he explained, "Claudia chose to go back to her dorm, but her classmates thought it was because of the tension between Ariana and me. She was trying to defend us and clarify things."

me, then to Nicholas, fully swayed by his words. After a moment's pause,

clear up this

she adjusted my gown,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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