

1 mostly stayed home during the days leading up to the divorce. Besides focusing on my body's recovery.

I also did not have much to look forward to

Once I settled the cases that i had been working on i also stopped caring about the company instead. F focused on gardening as if I were a director with a pre-written script, just waiting for the perfect moment to start filming

The day before the divorce, Yasmine had purposely ted me for a meal. She had booked out the entire restaurant that we had been to the last time to celebrate my "divorce from Nicholas. She said that I needed to pick myself up from where i had fallen Although I could tell she fet tat about spending so much money in one go, she did not say a single word about it to me. I also noticed that the did not dare to mention the previous time when Pete had paid for erdre bill

the wet scared of mentioning & cause she was allaid would sense the big change around us as even Pete wasn't with me anymore wever, I did not feel hy sense of regret as everyone had their own paths in life


Our party of two fiet sightly dut, but famine saltenclapped her hands and a group of male models came down the stairs, forming a line in front of me

Seeing the array of men Sartorre me, I understood what Yasmine was trying to do. I chuckled and said, "* a greater effieue if one breaks the law knowing


Yasmine looked at me and collect her eyes. Then, the sippet hur hands on the table and shouted, "If you ail manage to make me and my friend here happy, it water 30 settles of the most expensive wine you mula hand actus

smiles on their faces as they swarmed u Some of them even want Own SH se tome to feed me grapes and pour the wine. They even

thought, i realized there was nothing wrong withh as i was already

that once young and make girl to a mature and steady woman, yet i had only been

one man

was tack to being single again, I couldn't help but feel sighty chested over the

i began bring the apperces of the

said, "See You're feeling tempted, aren't you? You've been living such a bland life before you beer start yoying yourself. You need to understand that Nicholas isn't the only man in

such a beautiful was like you exgentence heartbreak? Who could be bind enough to turdle you?

the chance to

was a lot

head spoken

slightly intoxicated by

another battle

the male

hard for the two of you to test all of us why

stary facial features and was exceptionally handsome. He had

He just wanted us to keep some of the wie so that we would come back some her

any emotional attachment was kind of fun. After all, there wasn't any quit in enjoying the pleasures and entertainment

Our main goal

male saata began to fount me

want. Sempite saming the various men coming from my

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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