Chapter 157

While the online community buzzed with anticipation for the police to trace down the

mastermind, Winnie temporarily stepped away from the camera’s gaze.

The audience saw her whisper something to Bagot at the door before she left the room, sans

the camera crew.

She returned shortly after, her expression unchanged, and the viewers assumed she had simply taken a quick bathroom break. Mae, however, was beside herself with worry.

Knowing how to pinpoint the puppeteer behind the scenes was one thing, but the immediate concern was the cursed bracelet.

“Master Bryant, until we find the person behind this, am I stuck with this bracelet? Could it keep making me age?” Mae had been hiding her face, unwilling to let the camera capture her haggard and makeup–free appearance.

In reality, when everyone had rushed into the room at her scream, her ‘plain face‘ was already broadcast live to the world, with screenshots and captions now circulating online.

Winnie looked at her and casually asked, “Didn’t the show give you an amulet when your arrived?”

Mae was momentarily taken aback, “Yes.”

“Just wear that, and you’ll be fine.”

Winnie’s nonchalant advice struck Mae like a bolt of lightning. So easy?

The audience in front of the livestream recalled the amulet when Winnie mentioned it. “That’s right. Didn’t the last episode mention the production gave out amulets that could save lives?”

“I remember. Last episode my boy Kaney used that amulet to save Winnie’s foster mom. It was said to contain a Protection Charm drawn by a master, specifically for the guests.”

“Mae must have one, but why isn’t she using it?”

“She got one. The host gave it to her before checking into the B&B yesterday. All the other guests carry theirs, so why isn’t she wearing it?”

to wear it, can I

Mae’s fans were frustrated-

Mae put that Protection Charm

too careless. How come you’re not wearing the Protection

to the viewers‘

she had

I wear that Protection Charm, the bracelet won’t be able to affect me anymore?”

her to hand it over, thinking she’d be safe with Protection

was clear she

couldn’t help but ask, “Where’s the

from Mr. Bally, and he always carried it with

the day before, he had emphasized that she

quiltily before pointing to a suitcase


episode, they had seen the power of the Protection Charm firsthand, and now wouldn’t even shower without it in a

assurance given by the production

have imagined that someone would toss their life–saving Charm aside? Didn’t she watch

the show. After all, she agreed to come as a

not the two–and–a–half–hour version provided by the production team, but a fan–edited, narrated version that lasted only ten minutes.

no idea about the Protection Charm

used by the convicted murderer Naylor. Although she didn’t say anything, once back in her room, she

hesitation, she opened her

she felt the oppressive chill that seemed to envelop her dissipate, and she instantly felt a weight lifted off

she knew the Protection Charm was

to cry even more. If only she had known earlier, would she still look so worn out

that Mae

Chapter 157

a variety show in good health, and how had it come to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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