"Are you not going to say a word?" Karen really wanted to force Nina to admit that Percy was causing trouble for Pierre.

However, Nina unexpectedly remained silent. Suddenly, Karen recalled what happened a few days ago.

Karen wanted to cause trouble for Nina while Percy was away on a business trip. However, her subordinate informed her that Nina had moved into Luke's place.

If she wanted to trouble Nina, she had to go to Luke's place.

She did not do that, or rather, she dared not to.

Nina saw the gloomy expression on Karen's face and she knew she had to be thinking about something. Thus, she replied, "I'm just here to buy some fruits. If you don't believe me, there's a bag of fruits in my trunk, and the bag is from the fruit shop near the hospital. Would you like to take a look?"

Karen could not be bothered to look. She wanted to slap Nina, but they were at a hospital. Even though there were no people around, there were cars nearby.

Almost all the cars here were equipped with dash cams. If she acted out, her actions would be captured by several cars.

If Nina took the evidence to the police station to file a report or even escalate the situation, it would be effortless.

Karen was not stupid.

At the same time, Anthony reminded her, "Madam, you should go check on Pierre first."

Karen thought of Percy being upstairs and recalled that Pierre could not get out of bed now. She had no idea how Percy would treat Pierre!

Hence, she shot Nina a fierce glare before going upstairs.

Nina watched her leave and immediately sent a message to Percy. She wanted to inform him that Karen was heading upstairs now.

After composing the message, she suddenly thought, 'What if Percy wants to stir up trouble for Madam Mallory?'

If she notified him of her arrival, would it not lead to an eruption of conflict?

Hence, she changed her wording: [Percy, are you okay? I suddenly have a stomach ache. I'm waiting for you in the car. Hurry back.]

it, Nina scorned her own act of lying. However, she did not feel

it for Percy's

received the message, he would definitely come back. Then, he would not run into

thought, but reality turned out

that his leg was in a cast. He cast a cold

though he was facing a formidable enemy.

have a strange illusion. He felt that Percy was the

not, that was how Pierre thought

to talk to Pierre, but Pierre tightly pursed his lips, refusing to

longer insisted on communicating

more. When Percy was about to leave, he received Nina's message claiming that she was not

out of the elevator, he

a bag of

suddenly remembered what the caretaker had told her earlier. She said Pierre did not enjoy eating fruits now, but the doctor advised him to eat more fruits and supplements which would aid in bone healing. That was why she bought a

took the elevator up, she did not expect

time, he speculated that

too. She did not want the mother and son to meet and trigger a conflict. That

brother?" Karen saw Percy downstairs and was no longer anxious. She did not

coming and going in the elevator,

shame, but Percy still needed to keep his reputation. Many

up online, it would probably

upstairs and check on him?" replied Percy. His tone was sharp, and considering what she had done to Nina before, his attitude

mother. With his hands in his pockets,

still address her as his

no matter how fierce their quarrels got, she was still his mother. That was an

Karen even felt some hostility in his gaze. She raised her hand, feeling the urge

her, "Madam, you're still outside. It's not good if

urge to slap him, withdrew her

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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