Chapter 3181 Not Used To Inconveniencing others

Tommy rolled his eyes, unfazed by Simon's words. "If my dad finds out you bullied my sister, he'll beat you up."

"Mr. Crawford wouldn't do that." Simon knew what kind of person Luke was. He might spank Lanie and Tommy, but he would never hit him.

However, if this escalated, his dad would definitely punish him.

Simon looked at the little girl next to Rainie and said, "Teri, I'll give you some candy if you switch seats with me, okay?"

"No way." Teri shook her head. "You're just going to bully Rainie. I'm not switching seats with you!"

"You little brat!" Simon was frustrated. He had not tugged on Rainie's hair in a long time, and he could not help himself today.

After all, Rainie was such a cute little girl, and he just wanted her to notice him more. That was why he could not help himself...

Who knew he would end up annoying Rainie?

Lanie looked at Simon with a serious expression on his face. "Are we still playing or not?"

"Of course, we're playing! Just watch me beat you!" Simon rolled up his sleeves, ready to compete.

Lanie could not be bothered. Simon's intelligence was about the same as his, but their personalities were quite different.

Simon loved to play and joke around, which was completely different from him.

The kids kept playing until the adults finished their gathering and called it a night.

Simon naturally followed Jim out.

Kari and Teri left with Jason and Sue.

Luca had nothing much to do. She checked

up first and then go upstairs," replied the kids. They played with a lot of educational

Nelle came out of the kitchen and said

Did you take the food I prepared for you?" Luca had specifically grilled some meat for Aunt Neile, knowing she

pointed at her canvas bag, where the food was stored. She smiled and replied, "I did. Thank you. My family will enjoy a

take care on your way home." Luca nodded and helped the kids

was tidied, the kids went upstairs

came in

you finish the paperwork?"

also washed up and changed into pajamas. He leaned against the bed, pulled Luca

and it was worth it since everyone had a great time." Luca rested her head on his shoulder. Getting everything ready

that everyone was satisfied with

lot of comfort. Nina and the others had helped to clean up, which saved her a lot


Island of Despair while you guys

their voices deliberately, and considering the distance between the pavilion and the barbecue area, the people in the pavilion should not have been able to

pointed at her ears. "Almost everyone from the Island of Despair has had Shanks' dry needling treatment, so our hearing is better than most. Don't worry. None of them heard anything,

eyebrows. The women had pulled Rain into their conversation, so she had not heard

However, Luca heard them.

good was her

Abaza family offered two million

her. Did she

not for the distance and the fact that Gordan had mentioned the amount

they offered 20 million dollars to hire someone better, it wouldn't matter. Those people wouldn't dare

not confidence in himself

their country was like Russia, where money could

capabilities to convey the message that money could not buy free passes in A City. This was a country that upheld the rule of law-not one where money

she had

getting late. Should we

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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