Chapter 3187 Were We Arguing?

Aunt Neile's grandchild enjoyed her home-cooked meals, so Aunt Neile was even more willing to collect recipes for cooking.

This way, whenever she had free time, she could cook for her grandson and receive his praises. Aunt Neile would feel happy as well.

"Alright, let me explain in detail so you can remember," said Luca. As she cooked, she explained to Aunt Neile how she made the dishes.

After finishing the spicy tacos, she began preparing the non-spicy ones.

Aunt Nelle said, "I'll take note of this too. My daughter-in-law isn't from A City. She prefers spicy food. If I learn to make this, I can cook it for her too."

"Okay, I'll tell you all about it," explained Luca as she cooked, demonstrating the best ingredients to use.

All of this was from her previous research. Back then, while studying abroad, she sometimes worked part-time in restaurants. She would pick up some skills while helping out in the kitchen.

Then, based on recipes she learned, she developed her own.

Her friend, Jean, was also studying abroad at the time and tried it. He praised her tacos endlessly, so she made sure to jot down the recipe.

Luca suddenly thought of Jean and then of Nina. Before long, Nina would be getting married.

She probably had not invited Anna and Jean, but would they want to go?

If there were any benefits, Anna and Jean would definitely be willing to go. After all, establishing a relationship with the Mallory family would give them a boost in reputation.

However, Percy and Nina definitely would not welcome them, nor would they give them a warm reception. Since there was no warm reception and no benefits to gain, they surely would not go.

Luca heaved a sigh at the thought of this.

Seeing through someone's true nature was not always a blessing because everything that person did after would start to seem malicious.

time, she did not feel like there

wrong?" Aunt Neile glanced at the pot, thinking she might have burned something, but the stew was fine. Why was she

crossed my mind." Luca shook her

might be thinking about the past. She had heard that Luca's

from the start. Someone must have taught her. Perhaps it was her

missing home?" asked

her eyes and shot her a glance. "Aunt Neile, what

your mother. Did she teach you all this?" Aunt Neile asked again, not thinking it was prying. It was just casual

shook her head. "No, I learned this

knew how to cook, but it had nothing to do with

learned it

was swapped by Allison when she was born, so there was no way she could enjoy maternal love. Even later on, because of various things Allison

how to cook had nothing to do with her mother. She even felt

enjoyed the dishes Queenie cooked. It was

she could not help but exclaim, "It's said that children who grow up abroad are particularly independent, and they don’t rely on their parents.

to Aunt Neile's words, so she just smiled

you assemble the tacos and serve them?" said

nodded. Se began

already 12:10 pm, and it was time to have

wash your hands. Get ready for lunch," Luca called out to the children

arrived at the bedroom door on the second floor and knocked on the

guys can discuss after," suggested Luca. Even though Gale and Rain were Luke's subordinates, they were

important the matter was, it would not be right to let them

not the type of boss who only made his subordinates work. He nodded and said to the people inside the bedroom, "Let's go downstairs and have lunch

Gale and Rain

last to come out. He asked, "Luca,

variety. There are

Gordan gave Luca a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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