Chapter 3189 It's Not Two, It’s Three

As Rain thought about it, she walked into the bedroom. She closed the door and joined the men's conversation.

The three kids went upstairs to rest.

Aunt Nelle and Luca stayed downstairs to clean up. They divided the tasks and worked quickly.

Suddenly, Aunt Nelle asked, "Ms. Craw, what are they busy with? I heard it's something important. Is it related to T Corporation?"

"I don't know either." Luca shook her head. After glancing at Aunt Neile, she looked away.

"Mr. Crawford usually doesn't discuss work at home. This is rare," Aunt Neile explained her curiosity as it was unusual for Luke to work at home.

They had been talking all morning, and their discussion continued into the afternoon, which surprised Aunt Neile.

Luca did not offer any further explanation. She washed her hands. Thinking that the people upstairs had already finished their coffee by now, she decided to make another pot.

"Aunt Nelle, I’ll leave these for you to wash. I'll make them some more coffee," said Luca.

"Okay, Ms. Craw." Aunt Nelle took over the dishwashing.

After Luca quickly made a pot of coffee, she noticed that Aunt Nelle was nearly done with the dishes. She said, "Aunt Neile, take a nap later. Even though they're busy, there's nothing for you to do right now."

She knew Aunt Nelle had a habit of taking a nap in the afternoon, but with guests in the house, Aunt Nelle might skip it unless she mentioned it.

Luca understood that people accustomed to naps would feel sluggish all afternoon if they missed it, so she reminded her.

Aunt Neile smiled and nodded. "Okay, Ms. Craw."

Luca carried the coffee upstairs.

After Aunt Neile cleaned up the dining table, she glanced upstairs. She did not say or do anything. She just went back to the maid's room to rest.

After delivering the coffee, Luca went back to the master bedroom.

for a while before heading back to the study to study

she had already marinated the meat yesterday, so it would be ready to cook

down on the bed, thinking about her plans for the

X City, Amur pushed open the door of the

hours to reach X City, but Amur drove fast and arrived

entrance startled the people inside, who grabbed whatever tools they

it was Amur, they let their guard down. One of them complained, "I know

argue with him.

been badly injured by people from the Island of Despair a few days ago. However, Shanks had treated him, so he should still be in the

second floor." The

bag up to

his companion, "Look at him. He's acting like we owe him a fortune. Ugh, so what if he's got some

beaten up one day," added another man. Amur had not even bothered to

trouble, but the fear

City, not their home base

they would have no choice but to flee. They would have to abandon

heard?" one of the men suddenly spoke up amidst their

others looked

"This guy is no ordinary person. He used to be a prisoner and was locked up in one of those

there aren't many folks on the Island of Despair who can take him in a fight. So, if we try to jump him, what do you reckon our

tough?" exclaimed

I bet if we ganged up


we give it a try? If we don't put him in his place, he'll keep looking down on

"Good idea!"

of them nodded

isn't he here on a mission?" the man who knew about Amur’s past suddenly

"So what?"

others looked at

him, as unsavory as it sounds, could pass off as a bit of sparring. But if he's got a mission

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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