Chapter 3191 No Turning Back

Gerald understood what Phil meant. Even though he was worried, he had no choice.

He followed Amur and left.

As he passed by the men on the first floor, Gerald heard their conversation.

"Is he seriously bringing this useless guy along for the mission?"

"If it were up to me, I'd take care of him and tell Boss he failed the mission."

Since a few of them knew what mission he was carrying out, they started discussing it. 1

As Gerald thought about the things he might have to do later that he had never done before, his mind was in turmoil. He did not even know how he ended up getting into Amur's car.

"What's your code?" Amur's question jolted Gerald out of his daze, bringing him back to reality.

"I'm 091," answered Gerald.

He used to be proud of having that code, but now, he was filled with fear and hatred. How could he have been so foolish as to join this terrorist organization?

There was no turning back now. He could only steel himself and do things he did not want to do.

Amur remained silent.

Carefully, Gerald asked again, "What's your code?"

He thought everyone on the Island of Despair had a code and dared not ask for names, only their codes.

"I don't have one." Amur's voice was cold.

Gerald looked at him incredulously, "How is that possible..."

"I don't."

Gerald had no choice but to ask again, "Then what should I call you?"

"Amur." Amur told him his name. It was not his full name, but it did not matter.

found it strange how foreign their names

happen later, he asked, "This is my first time

be the person reporting the incident. Go to the police, then find the kitchen, and pour the potion into the salad. As long as you do all that, the mission will

not believe it. His


was supposed to drug the two targets, but he was drugging the food

supposed to deal with Jacob and the others?" Gerald was

from the police station, even if Abel did not do anything

could be a match

you guys." Amur did not

those who had taken the poison. If they took the potion, they would experience shortness of breath and then go into shock

to allergies without a detailed

not taken the poison would not

asked again, "What

have diarrhea." Amur's words remained

Gerald heard that, he nodded and continued

say that as long as it's someone from the Island of Despair who takes this potion, they'll...

member of the Island of Despair?" questioned

then shook his

Island of Despair, that the code belonged to him

not belong to the Island of

the base was gone one day, they would not know where to

no antidote, they could only wait to

headquarters is, but we have no idea.

Despair doesn't see US as humans at all. We're just a bunch of dispensable codes they can discard at

without any

target people not from the Island of Despair. It targets those who have taken the poison, right... But if the police officers all get diarrhea after eating the salad, it'll definitely raise suspicion. When

is the simplest method," Amur

potion to the salad was the simplest

not expect Gerald to do as he did, deliberately committing a crime and getting himself locked up, then finding a way to give the potion to the other two

that. Hence, Amur could only think of the simplest

so many surveillance cameras in the

are the ones where they keep people. Do you

Go in there?

a thug, he had been inside before. Those places were definitely not where people

Amur fell silent.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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