Chapter 225 Luke Crawford, That Animal, Had Laid His Hands On Her First!

Xavier sat on the leather driver's seat in the Porsche Cayenne with his eyes closed and brows tightly furrowed. One of his hands was pressed on his temples, while the other hand held a cigarette which he occasionally took a drag from.

Marie wanted to go into the car and explain herself, but she did not find the courage to do so.

Xavier's expression was extremely unpleasant at the moment. Now that she had made him angry, she was going to suffer.

However, if she did not try to comfort or persuade him, she would suffer equally.

Xavier had introduced her to Leia. Leia did not treat her like a human and had even stepped on her fingers. Even if she left Leia, who else would treat her like a human and take care of her?

Even Marie did not treat herself like a human.

As long as she stood by Leia, perhaps Leia would eventually give her an opportunity to make it big!

After the Porsche Cayenne drove away, Marie hailed a cab, got on, and instructed the driver to follow the Porsche.

Xavier went back to his bar.

He found a quiet seat next to the window and enjoyed the breeze while appreciating the dark red liquid in the glass.

Soon, he downed half a bottle of wine.

A waiter came over. "That's not good for your stomach. Boss." The wine had a high alcohol content. The typical person would not be able to withstand half a bottle of it.

Xavier did not say anything. He waved his hand and dismissed the waiter.

The waiter did not say anything and went away.

Xavier poured himself another glass. He thought that the alcohol would numb his feelings, but he only felt more lucid after downing half a bottle.

Bianca Rayne!

What a stunning woman!

not forget that graceful body that was standing at the bus stop. As his thoughts wandered, the

was before he went

favor, invited him for a drink. That friend told him that he had obtained a virgin from a middleman, and

interested in

not mind taking a

Xavier sat on the couch, as dignified as a buyer could be, looking at the

enveloped by an aura

lowered, and she was too embarrassed to look at anyone eye to

with countless women, Bianca was the youngest, most tender woman he had ever seen, as though she would bruise if he

and a plain pair of canvas sneakers. She looked cheap from head

not bear to lay a finger on that young woman with a delicate face

have been as experienced as an ancient emperor with a harem, but he could not bear to

peach. She had the preliminary curves of a mature woman, but she would

you know how to serve a

I can learn..." She

to speak those words. She was even biting her tongue after her reply. Her brows

about how she would be when

he allow her to serve any other man.

for her to be ravaged by someone else

All that was left was

he met

transaction. That person would provide all financial and medical resources to

was trembling as he asked

was the other party's assistant who completed the deal. The assistant said that his employer is a man in his fifties, and he desires a woman to bear children for

was overcome by anger and threw his phone on

the fifty-something-year-old man who had set his eyes

bothered him over those

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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