Chapter 266 Taking Possession of Bianca

On the television, Mavis was dressed elegantly. Her curly hair was swept to her back, which made her look diligent and capable.

Standing next to Luke, they seemed like a match made in heaven.

Luke looked directly at the camera with a mature and determined gaze.

He remained calm in the face of the reporter’s incisive questions. "The restaurants under T Corporation have been maintaining a high standard of quality, the proof of which can be obtained from the FDA. I suspect that there is some other reason that is causing the problems faced by the Regal Chain of Restaurants. We are still investigating whether it is a natural or a man-made cause. Once the results of the investigation are out, T Corporation will host a press conference and give the public a satisfactory answer!"

Bianca frowned.

The Regal Chain of Restaurants under T Corporation was facing some problems about the quality of their food in Western Europe.

The problem was not so much about financial loss, but rather the loss of reputation of a century-old company.

Reputation was very important for a multinational company.

If T Corporation could not solve those problems, then they will suffer from public criticism, which will negatively affect their expansion in the region.

After Luke, Mavis continued to answer the questions from the reporters. 1

She carried a strong and dominating presence. Her answers were sound and valid. No one could offer a retort.

After all, she was famous for her passion and versatility at work, just like Luke.

Not only did she answer the questions from the reporters perfectly, but she also skillfully deflected the problems back to the reporters.

The reporters were stunned when they heard Mavis's answers and praised that she was indeed Luke's strongest assistant.

stared at the scene in a daze. She was assailed by an inexplicable

Luke at that moment, she could not say that she would perform as brilliantly as

was not very good with words. Meanwhile, Mavis was not only renowned for her extraordinary looks, but also her highhanded approach to

first time that Bianca

needed the most was a strong and

any benefit to

off the TV, Mommy? I can't

Rainie suddenly protested.

came to her senses. She had subconsciously turned off

cute little girl that had run to her side and placed her on the couch. "Daddy is overseas handling some business. He

girl in her arms. She was

Rainie nodded.

not be as perceptive or considerate as her brother, but she could see that her mother was

Is it because of Daddy?' "You should rest today, Mommy. Big

boy, Lanie. Go and play with your little sister. I'll go and

she stroked Lanie's

comforted by her two obedient and considerate

years old, too young to be helping

families were forced to be independent at that age, but that was because they

two children's cheeks and

favorite cartoon channel and took out their toys. Then, she

Late at night.

drank a little too much at the karaoke bar with her

said goodbye to her friends and stood by the roadside,

walking toward her while cuddling each other caught her full

man was. He was Xavier Tanner, the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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