Chapter 351 Paying Special Attention to Bianca

Louis wanted to cry. He seemed to have dug a hole for himself.

He thought that his future sister-in-law was a docile sheep, but she was actually a wolf in sheep's clothing.

"I thought I knew you well, Sis. How can you be like that?" Louis said resentfully.

"It seems like you don't have enough to do here,” Luke said coldly as he walked toward the CEO's office. "If there's nothing else for you to do here, you can head over to South Africa now. I'll get Mr. Doyle to buy the fastest ticket there!" "Ah, Brother, must you drive me away so mercilessly? There aren't that many kind and honest younger brothers in the world like me! I admire you, Brother..."

Bianca was speechless.

It was the first time that she had seen a childish exchange between the two men.

Louis shot a resentful glance at Louis, then returned to his office. 2

He had to continue his boring work so that his elder brother would not transfer him to South Africa.

Bianca returned to the design department.

Some colleagues glanced at her as soon as she appeared in the office.

Some nosy ones started whispering to each other while staring at her. They did not do so loudly in case she overheard what they said.

The boss might not have married her yet, but her status was plain for all to see.

about Bianca, but being experienced wage-earners, they knew better than to say anything in

lead, was the most aggrieved.

stellar performance was a stark contrast to her embarrassing reply. She

not bear to see a new employee

knew that Bianca was the boss's woman, but she wanted to get back at

and diligent Mavis could be a match for

for the boss for so many years. Their solid relationship could not have been broken by the

After Luke got bored of her, he would be able to choose wisely between Bianca

when it came to love, unlike other men who thought with

remarkable about Bianca other

like her were a dime a dozen. How could she compare to the smart and

became Mrs. Crawford, then

to take any more days off, but you've ignored my warning! Look at your attendance

colleagues could be

did not know whether Bella

and Bella had openly criticized her. Was Bella not afraid that Bianca would tattle on her

and her colleague's gossip.

take days off, nor is there a rule restricting the length of each leave.

knew that rumors about her would spread in the company. How was she going to stand next to him if she

at a loss for words against

on her computer and started working. Bella's face

and giggled

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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